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New PET campaign to focus on security in research

How do we best protect Danish research from the serious security, financial and ethical consequences that can arise in international collaborations? A new campaign spotlights this issue.

By Susan Grønbech Kongpetsak, , 1/30/2024

Sadly, we live in a turbulent world and in a globally competitive environment.

This places new demands on researchers and knowledge institutions in relation to protecting research, which is why PET has just launched a new campaign to raise awareness among Danish researchers about security in business-critical areas. It is currently being rolled out on various channels at SDU and the other Danish universities.

At SDU, Head of Security Mads Niemann-Christensen oversees the University’s implementation of the national guidelines for security in international research and innovation collaborations, also known as the URIS recommendations.

Read more about URIS at University of Southern Denmark

Safeguard your research

He says about the campaign from PET:

- It’s important that everyone at the University is aware that research is being created all around us that we need to protect and look after. At the end of the day, it is also research that can be of great interest to foreign powers as an easy shortcut to success. The campaign seeks to increase the awareness of safety among researchers.

Mads Niemann-Christensen calls for extra consideration throughout the organisation in relation to international research collaborations, and he emphasises that the security perspective must always be balanced against academia’s core values of openness and free movement of knowledge and ideas.

- We are implementing the recommendations with a clear risk-based approach, but with a strong focus on not over-implementing. We are – and must continue to be – a university that actively seeks international collaborations which are crucial for the University, both now and in the future, the Head of Security explains.

Safety in everyday life

It is Mads Niemann-Christensen’s hope that awareness of risks and security in international co-operation will become second nature, just like we have become good at not opening a phishing email.

If you are concerned about specific safety issues in research collaborations and other contexts, you should always approach your immediate manager. You are also always welcome to email Mads Niemann-Christensen at

Read more about SDU’s efforts regarding research and innovation security and implementation

Kort om kampagnen

  • On 29 January 2024, PET launched the information campaign ‘Sikker forskning – lidt af en videnskab’ (‘Safe research – quite the science’), which focuses on research and knowledge security. 
  • The campaign seeks to raise awareness among academic staff of the threats of espionage and other illegal/unwanted knowledge transfer.
  • The campaign should be seen in the context of SDU’s ongoing implementation of the URIS recommendations, which is currently taking place with the participation of heads of department from all faculties at SDU.  
  • As part of the URIS recommendations PET has established the Centre for Innovation and Knowledge Security, which is tasked with increasing resilience against espionage and other unwanted knowledge transfer in Danish research institutions. The Centre’s staff is ready to advise on the new security policy.
Editing was completed: 30.01.2024