SDU elections 2024
This year’s SDU elections will be held on 25–28 November
This year, the elections will include choosing TAP representatives to the University Council and student representatives to SDU’s Board. All staff and students can run for election and have a direct impact!
This year, there are elections for:
- The University Council: For the Council, 3 TAP representatives are elected for a 4-year period and 3 students for a 2-year period.
- Academic Councils: For each council, 5 VIP representatives (including at least 3 recognised researchers) and 3 TAP representatives are elected for a 4-year period, and 3 students are elected for a 2-year period.
- Department Councils: For each council, 5 VIP representatives (including at least 3 recognised researchers) and 3 TAP representatives are elected for a 4-year period, and 3 students are elected for a 2-year period.
- PhD Committees: For each committee, 5 PhD students are elected for a 1-year period.
- Study Boards: For each study board, 5 students are typically elected for a 1-year period.
· In addition, this year, the elections will include choosing representatives for SDU's Board, for which 2 students are elected for a 2-year period.
The SDU elections are an expression of the student and employee democracy that we at SDU are proud of and that we wish to uphold. Therefore, we hope that as many employees and students as possible will take an active part in this year's elections.
Important dates:
- 5 November at 12:00: The nomination period closes
- 8 November: The lists of candidates are published
- 25 November: The election period opens
- 28 November: The election period closes
Contact: The Election Secretariat can be contacted by email at, tel. (+45) 6550 1310 or by contacting Sladja Zoric at the Election Secretariat, located at SDU HR, Staff, Campusvej 55, Odense.