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The Staff’s Column

Democratic renewal or spectacle: Why I’m not running for a seat on the Board

In this column, I would like to share my experiences from SDU’s 2019 board election and reveal why I’m not running this year. Behind the scenes, the election is decided in advance by the trade unions. I would encourage you to consider whether your voice really makes a difference.

By Peter Bækgaard Von Lehnsburg, 11/28/2023

Four years ago, I made a brave decision to run for the University of Southern Denmark’s board election. I saw it as an opportunity to shape the future of the University and influence decision-making. I believed in the power of democracy and the importance of an open and fair election process.

But I soon realised that democracy was an illusion. The first shock came when I realised that the trade unions had decided in closed meetings behind the scenes which candidates they intended to support in the election. This meant that the election was effectively pre-determined by the trade unions, and candidates outside of this closed circle were at a severe disadvantage.

Most worrying was how the trade unions further influenced the process. They used their closed mailing lists, which we other candidates did not have, and they used these lists to encourage and influence members to vote for the candidates they supported, further undermining the democratic process.

The lack of debate and discussion was another disappointment. The election process could have been an opportunity for candidates to meet, exchange ideas and discuss relevant topics. Instead, everything took place behind closed doors and genuine dialogue was absent.

The union-backed candidates ran without a clear electoral platform and without providing information about what they would seek to accomplish. At the same time, I felt demeaned in the same closed forums where I had no opportunity to respond or voice my opinions.

The result of this unequal electoral process was clearly reflected in the election results. Even North Korea would have recognised it as a spectacle without a level playing field.

Therefore, I have chosen not to run in this year’s election for SDU’s Board. My experience has taught me that true democracy and fair elections rely on transparency, equality and genuine debate. Until these principles are respected, my voice will remain silent in this electoral process which on the surface looks like democracy, but in reality is anything but.

This system, where some candidates have an unfair advantage in terms of union support and access to membership mailing lists, undermines the fundamental principle of a level playing field for all candidates. This creates an unequal electoral process that is ultimately reflected in the election result, which I believe is far from being democratic. 

Peter Bækgaard Von Lehnsburg

Specialist Consultant Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

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Editing was completed: 28.11.2023