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The Student’s Column

The Continuing Culinary Decline of Nourishment at SDU

Since starting my education at SDU, the sandwiches have continually gotten worse. The legendary roast pork sandwiches have disappeared, replaced by an abundance of uninspiring vegetarian options. The meat slices have become paper-thin, and fillers like cabbage and lettuce are taking over. Is there hope for better sandwiches?

By Erik Lindby, 9/29/2023

Ever since I embarked on my academic journey at Southern University of Denmark (SDU), one aspect of campus life has been on a gradual descent into disappointment: the quality of sandwiches in our cafeteria. In the early days, there was a diverse selection of innovating sandwiches. However, as the years passed and especially during the COVID-19 shutdown, I've witnessed a steady decline in the once-beloved sandwiches.

The Loss of the Fan-Favorite Roast Pork Sandwich

The most glaring loss has been that of the legendary roast pork sandwich. Those succulent, savory bites that used to grace our plates seem to have vanished into the annals of cafeteria history. Instead, what we have now are an increasing number of vegetarian offerings, which would be perfectly fine if they were appreciated and consumed by the student body. Sadly, it's evident that most of these vegan sandwiches end up uneaten, discarded like forgotten relics in the cafeteria.

Even the sandwiches that do still contain meat have undergone a disheartening transformation. The slices of meat have become paper-thin, almost translucent, as if they're trying to hide from our discerning eyes. Meanwhile, filler ingredients like cabbage, lettuce, and other cost-effective additions have taken over. It's disheartening to see these once-hearty sandwiches reduced to mere shells of their former selves, with more emphasis on quantity over quality.

I often find myself pondering the inevitable: will the day arrive when I need a microscope just to locate my slice of chicken amidst the sea of filler? Unfortunately, that day seems to be approaching at an alarming pace, leaving me and many others with a sense of culinary despair.

It's important to acknowledge that food preferences and dietary choices vary widely among students. However, what seems to be happening at SDU's cafeteria is a departure from offering diverse and satisfying options to a one-size-fits-all approach that caters primarily to the vegetarian crowd. While it's
great to have vegetarian choices, balance and variety should remain essential components of any food service.

In conclusion, the decline of nourishment at SDU is a matter that affects us all. We need nourishment that sustains us and lifts our spirits, not sandwiches that leave us longing for the past. Let's not let the legacy of the beloved roast pork sandwich fade into oblivion. It's time for a sandwich revolution—one that brings back the joy of satisfying, hearty meals to our cafeteria tables.

Erik Lindby

PhD student at Southern University of Denmark. When not immersed in academic pursuits, he enjoys exploring new cuisines and advocating for culinary diversity on campus.

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Editing was completed: 29.09.2023