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The Staff’s Column

When Study Start meets reality: Everyday moments and lasting love

Study Start and ‘Married at First Sight’ have a surprising amount in common. Both journeys require courage, openness and a willingness to venture into unknown territory. And who knows? Maybe even find ‘love’ at the university – in the academic endeavour, the communities, the passion.

By Tine Wåst Nielsen, 9/29/2024

We currently have a favourite recurring theme at our lunches at the Faculty of Humanities. A theme that evokes joy, excitement, strong opinions and quite a bit of embarrassment. And even though it is September, it is not the Study Start that is taking centre stage around the oval table. This September, the 'Married at First Sight' couples and their struggles to get to know each other are stealing the spotlight. But perhaps the two events have quite a lot in common. They are both about the emotions, thoughts and experiences that come into play during a ‘honeymoon period’. 

Psst! This column was inspired by conversations with staff and students in connection with the SURFY project

The first day: From dreams to reality 

Just like the wedding days in ‘Married at First Sight’, the first day at university is a big event. You have been preparing for a long time. Maybe you have tested the cycling route to uni, so you know exactly where to go (because who wants to walk in the door sweaty, out of breath and late on the first day?). You have checked the weather forecast and picked the perfect outfit for the day. You have imagined what it will be like to walk through the door and meet your 'special someone'. You’ll meet new people and excitement and nervousness will be in the air. And just as in the TV programme, you will be full of hope but also struck by ‘what have I gotten myself into?’

The butterflies will settle down 

As someone who works intensively with Study Start, I know that an insane amount of effort goes into creating the very best start at the University for all our new students. We coordinate across the organisation and we lavish our best intentions and loads of information on the new students. And we all know it: New students often feel overwhelmed during their first days at the University. 

The early days can be challenging. Some students express concerns about not finding someone to talk to or not feeling at home in the academic environment. Fortunately, both the worries and the butterflies calm down a little as the first experiences on the study programmes are gained. 

Everyday moments create lasting love 

‘Well, it’s not important how SDU itself says what SDU is like, because other universities say the same thing’. 

This is what one of the students we interviewed in the SURFY project had to say about the transition to university life. Show, don’t tell, is our call to action.

In the wedding speeches of the newlywed couples, they promise each other to be good spouses. Everyone is at their best on their wedding day – and also during Study Start. But when everyday life kicks in, we’ll see if the solemn promises will be turned into actions.

How do we turn the good beginning and budding crush into a lasting love – for better or worse?  

If we intend to turn our words into action, it is not done with good intentions and great speeches on the first day, special initiatives aimed at specific target groups or a big (and super cool!) Semester Start Party. 

It has to be done in the many large and small meetings that take place among all of us – VIP, TAP, students. In class (and in the corridor afterwards), at supervision, in the study group, in the study board’s replies. The little things. That’s the recipe for lasting love.

Editing was completed: 29.09.2024