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  • 08.11.2024

    Researcher investigates the business potential of fictional worlds

    Can devising scripts become a business? Postdoc Nathali Herold Solon Pilegaard will find out. She has researched how script developers create the worlds viewers encounter in the Danish TV series Valdes jul and Efterforskningen. Now she is embarking on a new project.

  • 17.10.2024

    Sensors will help detect heart failure in patients

    New sensors in waiting room chairs and hospital beds will detect heart problems in patients. A heart attack can be detected several hours before the patient realises that something is wrong. The sensors will be tested at OUH in the Fall.

  • 12.09.2024

    SDU researcher starts a drone company

    Postdoc Kristian Husum Laursen is taking off – thanks to the entrepreneur programme Spin-outs Denmark – from the University of Southern Denmark with the drone company CODRONE

  • 05.09.2024

    Light can help oncologists reduce re-surgery rates

    Today, one in ten cancer surgeries is repeated because surgeons failed to remove all the cancer tissue the first time around. A new instrument can give surgeons a more accurate picture during surgery to make sure there is no more cancerous tissue left.

  • 03.09.2024

    New company paves the way for advanced treatment of brain cancer

    Three researchers have developed a new treatment for glioblastoma, the most deadly and common form of brain cancer. Now they are starting a company to achieve an important goal: to revolutionise the treatment of the disease and make it available to patients.

  • 13.06.2024

    Flying screwdriver to solve issues for energy companies

    A new utility drone is capable of maintaining power pylons and power lines for energy companies. With the new drone, postdoc Nicolaj Haarhøj Malle has taken the first steps towards setting up a business together with two other researchers

  • 11.03.2024

    New postdoc will help manufacturing companies step into the future

    There is huge potential in designing production machines in smarter ways, says a new postdoc working with digital development and testing of machines constructed in modules. His idea will make the production of companies flexible and less susceptible to breakdowns.

  • 18.04.2023

    New postdoc wants to empower teen communication using virtual reality

    Public speaking is like learning a new language. The earlier you start, the better a speaker you will become. Translational Postdoc Ïo Valls-Ratés is creating a virtual universe that allows teenagers to practise their communication skills