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Styregruppen for DTH består af: 

Kirsten Ohm Kyvik, Head of Department, Clinical Dept., Health SDU (chair)
Kim Thorstein Brixen, Clinical Director, OUH 
Bjarne Steen Dahler-Eriksen, Clinical Director, OUH
Anders Meinert Pedersen, Clinical Director, the Psychiatry, Region of Southern Denmark
Uffe Holmskov, Vice Dean, Faculty of Health, SDU
Mickael Bech, Professor, Public Administration, Social and Business, SDU
Jakob Møller-Jensen, Head of Department, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, SDU
Per Krogh Hansen, Head of Department, Culture Science, Humanities, SDU
Kasper Hallenborg, Head of Department, Maersk-McKinney Møller Institute, SDU

 Derudover er en række fagspecifikke clusters og arbejdsgrupper samlet omkring DTH.  

Find kontaktinfo her.


Sidst opdateret: 15.12.2023