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For researchers from The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences (SAMF)

Advice on Application Writing

An application process can start and finish in many ways, however, some things are common to most processes. Below are a number of requirements and formal rules to be aware of as well as some good advice for an optimal application process.

External funding is necessary in a researcher´s career, so plan funding activities in the long term, and discuss with your Head of Unit at RDD (MUS).
Align funding strategy with publication strategy – build your profile for the grant you are targeting and in the field you research.

Be visible: keep your PURE profile updated and if relevant be visible in the media.

Here are some tools you can use when screening the funding landscape.

  • When you have an idea for an application and possibly an identified foundation to target, you can reach out to your local RSO contact person to discuss match to funding agency.
  • RSO will also be helpful in discussing a personal funding plan and funding strategy.
  • Be sure to meet requirements of the call text otherwise you risk being administratively rejected regardless of the quality and novelty of your research idea.
  • Know the application and evaluation process – some applications are two-step processes; some involve interviews and hearing phases during the evaluation.
  • Pitch your research idea to your immediate peers for initial project development - ask RSO for templates/tools.
  • RSO can assist in designing the project to match scope of the foundation.
  • Plan activities and data purchase within budget limits from the start of the process. The local budget officer will assist you in calculating the budget using correct salary levels etc.
  • Check if you need co-financing and make an agreement with your department.


Budged Approval process from Business and Social Sciences (SAMF)

Reach out to partners/consortia early in the process to benefit from mutual discussions and possible co-development of the project design. Often partners are also required to provide material for the application.
  • RSO offers in-depth reviews of full application drafts, especially focusing on compliance with requirements and scope, readability and narrative.
  • Do also approach peers from your own department or research unit and colleagues from adjacent fields for comments.
  • You always need approval to apply for a grant from your Head of Department. The local budget officer will assist you in getting an approval of the finalized budget before you apply.
  • If the budget exceeds 8 mil. DKK, you will also need approval from ForskerService Økonomi (FSØ). The local budget officer will assist you in this process as well.
  • Invite your contact person in research support or the local budget officer in the online application portal.
  • RSO can assist in a final check of the application content.

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