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For researchers from The Faculty of Engineering (TEK)

Advice on Application Writing

In this overview, you will find a number of key aspects you need to take into consideration when drafting your proposal. They were designed for proposals to the European Research Council (ERC), the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF), the Villum Foundation, Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF), the Danish National Research Fund (DNRF) and the Carlsberg foundation. A common denominator for those councils is excellence.

TEK Innovation supports this, but it is also the idea that the researcher can identify relevant funds him/herself in relation to project idea and purpose. Here are some tools you can use when screening the funding landscape.

Overview of calls endorsed by research support at SDU:

Call Calendar 
Automatically, SDUs researchers match up against EU lookups (and drafts) to find other SDU researchers relevant fit. PI can get an introduction to the app by contacting TEK Innovation.
EU Call Finder
Database for searching relevant calls. Researchers can create their own profile and request support from TEK Innovation for the searches.

Tools for public and private Funding in Denmark (i.e. Types of FundsResearch Professional)

Each unit develop their own funding strategy and funding plans are incorporated into the units overall plan document and into TEK Manager. Funding plan is prepared in cooperation and approved by HoD. TEK Innovation is available to support this process. The plan shall apply for a minimum of two years in advance and be updated on an ongoing basis.

Annual meeting on funding strategy and plan between unit and TEK Innovation. TEK Innovation is taking the initiative for this series of meetings.

Career advice for researchers with a particular focus on younger researchers. Future progress plan of 10 years is developed with TEK Innovation and must be part of the funding strategy. Researcher, in agreement with HoU, will contact TEK Innovation and agree.

TEK Innovation Academy: Seminar series held by TEK Innovation with various themes such as CV optimization, tips and tricks, writing courses, etc.
Offered via TEK Innovation's newsletter and website.

Masterclasses (Sapere Aude, MSCA & ERC): The research support units of the faculty are offered in cooperation. Offered by newsletter and email to HoU.

Inform relevant recipients, matchmaking: Via direct emails, website and TEK Innovation newsletter.

Information events: Offered by mail, website and TEK Innovation newsletter

  • Clarification of vision and purpose; theme in accordance with the Lookup and device strategy

  • Uncovering potential partners. TEK Innovation offers support for identifying relevant business partners. TEK Innovation facilities also like contact etc.

  • Create draft project plan, budget considerations including who and what to finance from the project and co-financing. Budget guides, SDU budget sheets, hourly rates, etc. No specific budget at this stage, but thoughts and considerations on budget size, co-financing and who will be tasking the potential project. This shall be reconciled with HoU.

  • Discussion with and approval of the preparation of the application with HoU. All application processes must be discussed and agreed with HoU before the process begins.

  • Approval of HoD: HoD must be regularly informed of ongoing application processes.

  • The application plan is registered with TEK Innovation-Mail sent to All applications must be registered in SDU Pro. This is ensured by informing TEK Innovation early in the application phase. In addition, this information is used at management level to coordinate the submission of TEK applications to the respective funds.
Model 1 (lead and partner applications) 
TEK Innovation supports selected calls with application and budget support. It is important to keep the deadline for support requests to have the optimal planning. TEK Innovation supports budget approval, registration in SDU PRO and archiving in ACADRE.

Model 2 (lead and partner applications) 
Researcher prepares him/herself application and budget draft. TEK Economy assists with budget completion as necessary. TEK Economy supports budget approval, registration in SDU PRO and filing in ACADRE.

Report future budget approval assignments to TEK Economy within 10 working days before the deadline. Budget material must be submitted for approval no later than 6 working days before the deadline.

TEK Innovation offers project management support for a fee, which is agreed on at this stage and is reflected in the budget.
Model 2 (lead and partner applications) 
Researcher prepares him/herself application and budget draft. TEK Economy assists with budget completion as necessary. TEK Economy supports budget approval, registration in SDU PRO and filing in ACADRE.

Report future budget approval assignments to TEK Economy within 10 working days before the deadline. Budget material must be submitted for approval no later than 6 working days before the deadline.
 Draft support letter is prepared. No later than 6 working days before submission to external authority.
All applications including final budget must be approved by Head of Unit & Head of Department. PI must in due time get in contact with HoU and HoD to ensure they agree on the budget as well as the research direction and provide necessary signatures.

No later than 8 working days before submission to external authority – as the budget must be approved by both the HoU and HoD before it can be sent for approval by TEK Economy.
Model 1
TEK Innovation conducts budget approval, registration in SDU PRO and filing in ACADRE. Deadlines for input from PI are discussed in the given course.

Model 2

TEK Economy supports budget approval, registration in SDU PRO and filing in ACADRE.
Report future budget approval assignments to TEK Economy within 10 working days before the deadline. Budget material must be submitted for approval no later than 6 working days before the deadline.
Model 1
TEK Innovation supports the process and records and archives.

Model 2
PI submit the application him/herself and hereafter sends application and other relevant documents to TEK Economy for archiving and registration.
The Fund sends peer-review responses, and the researcher prepares consultation responses, possibly supported by TEK Innovation.

In interview application rounds, TEK Innovation offers test interviews, pitch training, etc.
Model 1
PI sends a letter of granting/rejection to TEK Innovation, which is archived.
A: If TEK Innovation Post award Project Management is allocated hours on the project, they will take care of the further process.
B: If not, PI may itself contact SDU Contracts concerning preparation of a collaboration contract between partners in the project.

Model 2

PI sends a letter of granting/rejection to TEK Economy, which is archived.
PI him/herself is in contact with SDU Contracts preparation of a collaboration contract between partners in the project.

Contact Research Support