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Company of Biologists

The University Library of Southern Denmark has signed an agreement with the Company of Biologists, which provides reading access and free open access publication for researchers affiliated with SDU and University Hospitals in the Region of Southern Denmark. The agreement applies to the following journals:

  • Development
  • Journal of Cell Science
  • Journal of Experimental Biology
  • Disease Models & Mechanisms
  • Biology Open

You can see more about the journals here:

Terms of the agreement

  • Applies to articles accepted by one of the journals between January 1st 2022 and December 31st 2024
  • Corresponding author must be affiliated with SDU or one of the University Hospitals in the Region of Southern Denmark
  • List your or rsyd email during submittance
  • Make sure to select ‘Gold Open Access’ and ‘Read & Publish fee waiver’ when submitting to the journals
    • Development
    • Journal of Cell Science
    • Journal of Experimental Development
    For the other two journals, this step is not necessary

See a guide to the submission process at the publisher here:

SDU's publishing agreements for Open Access

Go to overview

Last Updated 11.12.2023