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Translational postdoc

Spin-outs Denmark is a one-year programme for researchers at a postdoc-level who want to learn to create a company based on their research.

The programme consists of a position as a translational postdoc that includes a one-year salary, bench fee, mandatory training in business development and tailormade support from a mentor and a business developer.

Maker space at the university
The Spin-outs Denmark programme is interested in ideas that drive innovation and transform business and production processes.

The focus is on research that show a commercial potential within social sciences, humanities or within the technical and natural sciences.

This includes fields such as engineering and IT, and cover areas such as production, energy, transport, materials, robots, agro-tech and information technology.

There are two annual deadlines for expression of interest. Please contact us if you are interested in the dates.

Contact us

Questions? Contact your local Spin-outs Denmark representative.

Bo Nilsson

Business Developer
24 98 41 17

The application for the programme consists of both a written application and an oral pitch. The process involves several steps from expression of interest to entering the programme. This is expected to last three months.

All applications are assessed by three sets of criteria: Research excellence and innovation height, business potential and value creation, and implementation.

Applicants should be junior researchers at postdoc level or equivalent. Focus is on research that show a commercial potential within social sciences, humanities or within the technical and natural sciences.