Researchers are increasingly judged on the quantifiable output of their research, such as the number of publications, or citations, the impact factor of the journals you publish in, or the h-index. The Research Analysis (RA) Support team at the Library can help to gain insight on how the rest of the world sees your research and give you the tools to use your metrics to your advantage. All our work is based on the ethical guidelines of the Leiden Manifesto. We provide services for individual researchers and research units, and can support you with:
- How the rest of the world sees your research through your WoS, Scopus and Scholar profiles - What is your Research Footprint? (individuals only)
- Citation analysis – Who cites your work?
- Social Media and Science – How to boost your impact?
- Using SciVal – A research analysis tool
- Using Altmetric Explorer - a tool to discover the online attention of your publications
If you are interested and would like to know more, please send an email to
Bibliometric analyses
Need to know what the number of Open Access publications is of your research unit? Or what the top 10 institutes are that cite your work? The RA Support team can prepare a report tailored to your needs, based on PURE, SciVal, WoS, Scopus or Dimensions. Please see an example of the type of services we can offer in the "Research Unit ORL at OUH: Research Impact and Benchmarking 2022".
Visibility of your research
Is your research visible, well-represented and accurate in the WoS, Scopus and Scholar databases?
The RA Support team at the Library can guide you on how you can make your own research more visible. The more you do to register your research in the right places, the easier it will be for search engines and internet-based analytical tools to catch all (or at least most of) your relevant publications and citations. Research is defined here as all the publications and activities that you have entered into PURE, our database for registering research. Please see our guidelines on: “How to make and maintain your ORCID, ResearcherID and Scopus AuthorID”.
Research Footprint
Would you like to come in for a 1-on-1 consultation on your Research Footprint? The Research Footprint is a short report on what your individual metrics look like in WoS, Scopus, Scholar and more. During a one hour consultation, we can guide you on how to improve the accuracy of your online footprint and inform you about field-normalized metrics that could help you to boost your research. Please see an example of the “Research Footprint”.
Using PURE to your advantage
Missing some of your publications in Scopus or Web of Science (WoS)? PURE is one of the methods you have at your disposal to improve the accuracy of your online research footprint. Publications you enter into PURE, linked to your ORCID account, can be automatically imported to the largest citation databases, ensuring that your research will be findable as soon as it becomes available.
You can access Pure on Use your SDU username and password to log into the system.
Calculating your h-index
Need your h-index for a grant application? We can calculate your h-index based on the publications indexed in Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and Google Scholar.
The h-index is the largest number of publications, h, which is cited at least h times. The height of your h-index will depend on which database you choose and the range of publication years that you choose to include. Web of Science is more selective in which journals and series they include, while Scopus includes more technical reports and proceedings. Google Scholar, while significantly less selective, is likely to be a better reflection of the research output of researchers in Humanities and Social Science.
If you wish to calculate your own h-index based on results from a given database, start by making sure that all your publications, and preferably citations, are included in it. Always reference the database where you include the h-index in your reports, as this gives context to the reader that the h-index is from a reliable and recognized source.