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Teach Legally

When you are planning your lectures on itslearning, this is what you are permitted to upload:

  • materials you have created yourself, as well as materials where the copyright holder has granted permission.  
  • links to legal webpages, electronic journals and databases. 
  • articles and chapters from e-journals and e-books, if the publisher allows course packs  (For further information see  ”Terms of use” for the specific journal in the alphabetic list of journals)  
  • scanned materials, if it is in accordance with the agreement that SDU has with Copydan, or if you have been granted permission. 

You are NOT allowed to link to webpages with illegal content, and you must always make sure, that the copyright holder is mentioned to what you place in Blackboard. Neither are you allowed to send downloaded licensed materials to others by email - colleguaes as well as students - even though it is permitted to use a given article or chapter in course packs. 

Find more information in our guide:

Note that you are ALWAYS permitted to link directly to the library's licensed materials. If you wish to give your students acccess to licensed materials eg. via itslearning, you can link with either the DOI number (Digital Object Identifier - the article's unique id) or with a permanent/stabile link.

Type in or copy the DOI number into the box, and press "Generate link".

Type  DOI number:

Your link will apear below:

You will now have generated a link with the DOI number. This link can be copied and used to make stabile links.

Last Updated 20.01.2025