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Gender Equality Council at Faculty of Health Sciences

The Gender Equality Council at Faculty of Health Sciences reports directly to the dean and to SDU's central gender equality committee.

The council will work to make visible and to qualify the many different types of talents that we have at Faculty of Health Sciences. We believe, that diversity promotes new ideas for research, provides more dynamism and supports innovation. We will work to get the most qualified talents into our research areas; and this regardless of gender, ethnicity and parents’ academic background. On our recruitment page, we have elaborated further on this.

Members of the Gender Equality Council

Become a member of the Gender Equality Council

If you are interested in equality and diversity work at Faculty of Health Sciences or if there are matters related to equality and diversity, which you feel the council should pay attention to and discuss, you are welcome to contact one of the members of the council.

If you wish to become part of the council’s work, you are also welcome to address the council. There is ongoing recruitment when there are vacant seats in the Council.

The main priority of the council is that the members of the council want to take an active part in the work of the council – also in the time between the meetings.

In addition, the council’s objective is to reflect the diversity of Faculty of Health Sciences. Recruitment to the council will be based on a discussion of the new candidates’ profile in relation to the current composition of the council – for example in relation to departmental affiliation, research area, occupational category, age, gender, ethnicity, geography and nationality. New members are nominated after such a discussion by the Chair of the council to Faculty of Health Sciences’ Dean for approval.

Gender diversity leads to better science, Nielsen et al 2017
Gender differences in scientific performance
Unconscious bias and higher education

Last Updated 05.04.2024