Below you find recipients at SDU of some of the more prestigious grants available, listed under the categories of excellency- and consortia/collaborative grants. If you consider applying for any of these grants, it may be a good idea to get in touch with prior grantees. More often than not, they are happy to help and let you see their successful application
ERC Starting Grant
- Søren Thorgaard Skou (2018) - Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management (MOBILIZE)
- Anders Grøntved (2016)- Immediate and long-term health risks of excessive screen-based media use (SCREENS)
ERC Advanced Grant
- Tina Kold Jensen (2023) - PFAS exposure; relationship to serum lipids in children and adults, mechanism of action and potential treatment of high exposed individuals (PFAS foreverywhere)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Timothy Bainbridge (2022) - Using Adoptees and Personality to Re-Examine Neighbourhood Effects on Important Life Outcomes (PAN)
- Peter Stillwell (2022) - The price of success: what is the impact of improving patients’ survival on utilisation of care? (PoS)
- Angela Chang (2021) - Measuring experienced disease burden (ExpBoD): estimating the socio-economic, psychological, healthcare and welfare impacts of diseases
- Mauro Laudicella (2018) - The price of success: what is the impact of improving patients’ survival on utilisation of care? (PoS)
- Søren Thorgaard Skou (2018) - Improving health in people with multimorbidity: a paradigm shift in health care from disease-based curative models to personalized exercise therapy and self-management (MOBILIZE)
Sapere Aude - Forskningsleder
- Angela Chang (2024) - HARMONIA: Harmonised Approach for Measuring Mortality Inequalities among Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Maria Louison Vang (2024) - (no more) Gatekeeping vulnerability: The newgeneration of trauma-related disorders
- Aida Solhøj Hansen (2023) - Extracellular vesicles subvert the immune system and drive resistance to cancer therapy
- Tore Bjerregaard Stage (2023) - Elucidating the elusive molecular mechanism of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
- Amalie Timmerman (2023) - Breastfeeding and environmental chemicals. Can and should all mothers breastfeed
- Anton Pottegaard (2021) - Hypothesis-free screening for adverse events: A new approach in drug safety research
- Ane Fisker (2019) - Data fra virkelighedens verden er nødvendigt for at forbedre vaccinationsprogrammerne
- Ditte Caroline Andersen (2018) - Regeneration af hjertet ved stimulering af hjertemuskelcelledeling (REPHEART)
- Henrik Dimke (2018) - En ny forståelse for magnesium – et glemt og understuderet mineral med mulige helbredende egenskaber
Inge Lehmann
- Louise Kamuk (2022) - The youth sport specialization paradox
- Marleen Kortenoeven (2021) - Regulation of the renal sodium chloride cotransporter and blood pressure by fibroblast growth factor 1 and calcineurin
NFF Emerging Investigator Grant
- Maria Peleli-Pedersen (2022) - Role of the gasotransmitter Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in Liver Steatosis
NFF Emerging Clinical Investigator Grant
- Karen Schreiber (2022) - Hydroxychloroquine in pregnant women with antiphospholipid antibodies - A multinational European Randomized Controlled Trial (HYPATIA)
- Maja Thiele (2020) - Decision aids and monitoring biomarkers in liver disease (DECIDE)
NFF Distinguished Clinical Investigator
- Jacob Eifer Møller (2023) - Mechanical Circulatory Support in Cardiogenic Shock: From Patient Selection to Myocardial Recovery
NFF Distinguished Investigator Grant within Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine
- Henrik Dimke (2024) – Calcium sensing receptor signaling: molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis in kidney stone disease
NFF Distinguished Investigator Grant within Endocrinology and Metabolism – Nordic Region
- Moustapha Kassem (2021) - Targeting cellular senescence to improve skeletal health in elderly patients with osteoporosis
NFF Research Infrastructure
- Mikael Palner - Simultaneous PET and high-field MR preclinical imaging (2023)
- Thomas Levin Andersen (2022) - OSIC: Odense Spatial Imaging Consortium
- Daniel Ketelhuth (2022) - Danish Center for Advanced Cell Analysis - Strengthening Natural and Biomedical Sciences to Promote Translational Research
LF Ascending Investigator
- Christoph Patrick Beier (2023) - Making age a treatable risk factor for neuronal damage after status epilepticus
- Maria Semkovska (2022) - Dynamic network modelling of depression: towards personalised treatment targets
- Ane Fisker (2019) - From universal health coverage to evidence based vaccination programmes
- Ditte Caroline Andersen (2019) - Repairing the heart through cardiomyocyte proliferation (REPHEART)
LF Fellows
- Alexander Rauch (2020) - Molecular determinants of stromal cell heterogeneity and their impact in bone regenerative therapy
- Tore Bjerregaard Stage (2019) - Does glucose affect expression and activity of drug-metabolising enzymes?
LF Postdocs
- Katrine Pilely (2021) – Bloodstream infections in kidney patients
LF Experiment
Anouk Benmamar-Badel (2021) - Can fetal cells repair the maternal central nervous system?
Agnieszka Wlodarczyk (2019) - Microglia a key to brain rejuvenation
- Christoph Patrick Beier (2023) - Making age a treatable risk factor for neuronal damage after status epilepticus
Semper Ardens Accelerate