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SUNDs fakultetssekretariat

Begivenheder på SUND og SDU

Campusvej 55, Odense M


13:15 - 16:15

Ph.d.-forsvar @IMADA: Simon Skjernaa Erfurth

17 feb

Simon Skjernaa Erfurth forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling ”Strengthening Authenticity and Mitigating Misinformation - Slightly Homomorphic Digital Signatures and Privacy Preserving Folding Schemes” ved et offentligt foredrag med titlen: ”Slightly Homomorphic Digital Signatures and Privacy Preserving Folding Schemes”.Forsvaret finder sted i IMADAs konferencelokale (Ø18-509-2) på Syddansk Universitet.Formanden for bedømmelsesudvalget, lektor Lene Monrad Favrholdt, vil være ordstyrer ved arrangementet.Alle er velkommen.

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14:00 - 15:30

How to write a great application and resume

17 feb

A composed and well-written application and resume is the quickest way to convince a possible employer why you should get the interview.But what makes a good application and strong resume when applying for student jobs, internships and full-time jobs in Denmark?Learn more at this workshop. You will gain useful knowledge about:[list][*]Dos and don’ts of writing your application and resume.[*]What employers are looking for.[*]What works great and what doesn’t – and how to fix it.[/list] Who can attend the event?Regardless of what you are studying, you are more than welcome to participate.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


10:00 - 12:00

Specialecafé: Brug dit speciale som springbræt til jobsøgning

19 feb

For mange studerende står jobsøgningen og venter på den anden side af specialet som en tåge af spørgsmål. For hvad vil det egentlig sige at søge job? Hvilke jobs kan du overhovedet søge med din uddannelsesprofil? Hvor finder man jobs henne – og hvordan søger man dem mest effektivt? Til denne specialecafé hjælper vi dig med at erstatte usikkerheder og bekymringer med viden og værktøjer, der er lige til at gå til – så du kan bruge energien på dit speciale og på at lægge en god plan for, hvordan du kan bruge det som springbræt til relevante jobs (spoiler: uanset hvad du skriver speciale om, kan det være et værdifuldt trumfkort i din jobsøgning!) Til denne specialecafé får du en introduktion til hvordan du:[list][*]Fletter jobsøgning meningsfuldt ind i specialeperioden[*]Identificerer dit speciales relevans på arbejdsmarkedet[*]Fremhæver dit speciales relevans over for en potentiel arbejdsgiver (fx i dit CV)[*]Formidler din viden på relevante platforme[/list] Dagens program[list][*]Karrierecaféen åbner kl. 10:00. Snup en kop kaffe og sæt dig godt til rette.[*]10:15-11.15 er der oplæg v. karrierevejleder Fleur Bernburg og bibliotekar Jette Jorsal.[*]Efter oplægget er der mulighed for at få 1:1 sparring fra Fleur og Jette indtil caféen slutter kl. 12:00.[*]Det er muligt at blive hængende efter k. 12, hvis man har spørgsmål eller andet.[/list] Forberedelse[list][*]I løbet af oplæggene er der små øvelser – så hav din computer med.[/list] Lidt praktisk info: [list][*]Der er gratis kaffe og te.[*]Uanset hvilket studie, du går på, er du velkommen.[*]Arrangementet kræver ingen tilmelding.[/list]

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

DIAS event: The Feel of Algorithms by Minna Ruckenstein

19 feb

Algorithmic relations refer to the processes through which algorithmic culture emerges by people establishing and maintaining human-machine connections. It is not enough to ask what algorithmic systems are doing to us; we must also consider what we are doing to algorithms. How are we feeding them with our stories, actions, and affective orientations? This talk engages with ‘the feel of algorithms,’ outlining how the analysis of algorithmic folklore and related emotional responses provides novel perspectives on algorithmic relations. By examining the affective infrastructure of algorithmic culture, we can identify various modes of presence and participation, ranging from enthusiasm and ‘mild paranoia’ to irritation and frustration. The goal is not simply to uncover emotions but to expand the existing domain and methods of social analysis. The enthusiasm, fears, and frustrations suggest a broader argument that calls for appreciating feelings as form-giving social forces that define current algorithmic culture.About Minna RuckensteinMinna Ruckenstein is professor of Emerging Technologies in Society at the University of Helsinki and the founder of the Datafied Life Collaboratory. She has dedicated over a decade to studying the human aspects of digitalisation, datafication, and AI. Currently funded research projects focus on public values in algorithmic futures, repair and renewal of algorithmic systems, and brokering efforts that could lead to better systems.VenueThe DIAS Auditorium, SDU Campus OdenseThis event is open for all. No registration needed.

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Sdr. Boulevard 29, Odense C


14:00 - 18:00

Disputatsforsvar lektor Manouchehr Seyedi Vafaees

19 feb

” The coupling of flow, metabolism, and function in the brain: A positron emission tomographic perspective”

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


15:00 - 17:00

Vil du være underviser?

24 feb

Går du med en drøm om at blive underviser?Karrierevejledningen på SDU inviterer til en eftermiddag, hvor du får muligheden for at blive klogere på jobbet som underviser. På dagen vil du høre om aktuelle tendenser og mønstre i undervisningsbranchen. Du vil også møde oplægsholdere, der hver især giver dig et indblik i deres hverdag og jobbet som underviser. Oplægsholderne til eventet er følgende:1. Lone Bjørndal Thomsen, rektor, Odense Katedralskole.2. Viktor Rohr, adjunkt, Tornbjerg Gymnasium.3. Michael Sørensen, sportsleder, og Rasmus Kier, højskolelærer, Oure Idrætshøjskole.I løbet af eventet har du muligheden for at stille spørgsmål til oplægsholderne og samtidigt få en snak med dem om diverse emner inden for undervisningsbranchen. Karrierevejledningen står også til rådighed ifm. Generelle spørgsmål om job og karriere.I løbet af arrangementet byder vi på kaffe/te og kage.

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Universitetsparken 1, Kolding


14:00 - 16:00

Bliv klar til Business Lunch

27 feb

Er du optaget af idéen om at få studiejob eller indgå projektsamarbejde med en virksomhed?Til vores arrangement ”Bliv klar til Business Lunch” får du muligheden for at lære at gå i dialog på karrieremessen ”Business Lunch” og snakke med en række virksomheder, og udforske mulighederne for at indgå studiejob, projektsamarbejde eller få en praktikstilling i en af virksomhederne.Kom forbi til eventet, hvis du gerne vil klædes på til at gå i dialog på Business Lunch.På dagen:[list][*]Dykker vi ned i udvalgte virksomheder, som deltager på messen.[*]Introduceres du for værktøjer til, hvordan du kan lære virksomhederne bedre at kende. [*]Viser vi, hvordan du kan bruge LinkedIn som et netværks- og researchværktøj. [*]Får du tips til, hvordan du skaber kontakt til virksomhederne på messen og følger op. [*]Får du inspiration fra en studerende, som deler erfaringer med at netværke til Business Lunch  [/list]På dagen vil der være oplæg og tid til at stille spørgsmål og sparre med oplægsholderne.Program:[list][*]Caféen åbner kl. 14.00. Tag en kop kaffe, find en god plads og netværk lidt med dine medstuderende. [/list][list][*]14.15 – 15.15 er der oplæg v. karrierevejleder Cathrine Andreasen og Bibliotekar, Tobias Rask Albrecht. [/list][list][*]Efter oplæg er der tid til sparring fra Tobias og Cathrine og mulighed for at arbejde med egen forberedelse indtil caféen slutter kl. 16.00. [/list]Forberedelse[list][*]Der vil være enkelte øvelser undervejs, så hav meget gerne en computer med.[*]Opret gerne en LinkedIn-profil, hvis du ikke allerede har en.[/list]

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


14:00 - 16:00

Tiltrædelsesseminar for Professor Line Bjørnskov Pedersen og Professor Søren Rud Kristensen

28 feb

Tiltrædelsesseminar for Professor Line Bjørnskov Pedersen og Professor Søren Rud Kristensen under overskrifterne:"General practitioners’ wellbeing, behaviour, and incentives and the organisation of general practice”og“Regulation and incentives for quality in hospital care and across sectors”I anledning af Line Bjørnskov Pedersen og Søren Rud Kristensens tiltrædelser som professorer i sundhedsøkonomi ved Dansk Center for Sundhedsøkonomi (DaCHE), Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, inviterer Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet hermed til tiltrædelsesseminar med følgende program:14.00-14.10: Introduktion og velkomstUffe Holmskov, Prodekan for Forskning og Innovation, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet14.10-14.40: “General practitioners’ wellbeing, behaviour, and incentives and the organisation of general practice”. Professor Line Bjørnskov Pedersen, PhD, DaCHE - Danish Centre for Health Economics, Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDU14.40-15.10: “Regulation and incentives for quality in hospital care and across sectors”. Professor Søren Rud Kristensen, PhD, DaCHE - Danish Centre for Health Economics, Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDU15.10-15.40: “The wicked problem of incentivicing health care providers”. Professor Anders Anell, PhD, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden 15.40-15.50: Questions from the audience15.50-16.00: Afslutning af tiltrædelsesseminar. Professor Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, Institutleder, Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDUEfter seminaret er der reception i restaurant Panorama overfor auditoriet. Alle interesserede er velkomne. Tilmeld dig venligst arrangementet her.Tiltrædelsesseminaret finder sted 28. februar, 2025, fra kl. 14.00 i Auditorium O100, Syddansk Universitet (SDU), Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

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Universitetsparken 1, Kolding


14:00 - 16:00

Get ready for Business Lunch

28 feb

Are you interested in how you can use "Business Lunch” to connect with exciting companies and explore opportunities for project collaborations, internships, or student jobs? Then you should consider attending our networking café, where we will equip you to get the most out of Business Lunch.On the day:[list][*]We will dive into selected companies participating in the fair.[*]You will be introduced to tools for getting to know the companies better.[*]We will show you how to use LinkedIn as a networking and research tool.[*]You will get tips on how to approach companies at the fair and follow up.[*]You will get inspiration from a student who shares experiences on networking at Business Lunch.[/list]There will be presentations and time to get advice from the presenters, and space to work on your own preparation for the upcoming Business Lunch.Program:[list][*]14:00: The café opens. Grab a cup of coffee, find a good spot, and network with your fellow students.[*]14:15 – 15:15: Presentation by career advisor Cathrine Andreasen and librarian Tobias Rask Albrecht.[*]After the presentation: Time for advice from Tobias and Cathrine and an opportunity to work on your own preparation until the café closes at 16:00.[/list]Preparations:[list][*]There will be some exercises during the event, so please bring a computer.[*]Create a LinkedIn profile if you don't already have one.[/list]

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Universitetsparken 1, Kolding


09:00 - 12:00

Business Lunch

4 mar

Business Lunch er en karrieremesse afholdt af SDU Kolding, Designskolen Kolding, IBA Erhvervsakademi Kolding og Business Kolding, hvor studerende og en række virksomheder vil mødes til en snak om projekter, praktik eller samarbejde generelt.Mød 45 forskellige virksomheder, hvoraf nogle er store internationale virksomheder, andre små startups, men også offentlige institutioner – men alle med det ønske, at møde studerende, som er interesserede i et samarbejde med dem.Til Business Lunch har du også muligheden for at møde karrierevejledningen og få sparring på dit CV eller tips til, hvordan man netværker med virksomheder. Alle virksomheder kommer med konkrete opslag på dagen, hvilket øger din mulighed for at lande en aftale/samarbejde med en af virksomhederne. Opslagene kan findes på uddannelsesinstitutionernes jobbanker eller på opslagstavlen ved Business Lunch.Vi ser frem til at se dig!

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

DIAS event: In defense of hope in an age of climate upheaval: Theoretical and empirical considerations

5 mar

DIAS talk by Maria Ojala, Professor in Socio-ecological Resilience, FRONT (Frontiers of Arctic and Global Resilience), University of Oulu, Finland

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14:00 - 15:30

How to use LinkedIn as a student

10 mar

Join our webinar to learn the basics of LinkedIn and how to make the most of it as a student. We'll cover how to create an engaging profile, build your network, and use LinkedIn for personal branding and job research. Whether you're new to LinkedIn or looking to improve your existing profile, this session is for you.What you'll gain:[list][*]Tips for crafting a standout profile[*]Strategies for expanding your professional network[*]Insights into using LinkedIn for career opportunities[/list]Perfect for students eager to get started with LinkedIn or enhance their current presence. Who can attend the webinar?- Regardless of what you are studying, you are more than welcome to participate. 

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14:00 - 15:30

How to write a great application and resume

11 mar

A composed and well-written application and resume is the quickest way to convince a possible employer why you should be the one to get the interview. But you are maybe wondering, what makes a good application and a strong resume? And how do you write an application focusing on your qualities and competences as a business student.Exactly that you will learn at this webinar!At the event you will gain useful knowledge about:[list][*]Dos and don’ts of writing your application and resume.[*]What employers are looking for.[*]What works great and what doesn’t – and how to fix it.[*]And how to use this in a business setting.[/list] Who can attend the webinar:Regardless of what you are studying, you are more than welcome to participate. The event is although mainly focused on Business School students.

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Alsion 2, Sønderborg


14:00 - 16:00

Get ready for your first job with Linak and Danfoss

18 mar

Writing a great CV and Coverletter can be quite challenging and if you get called in for the interview - how do you prepare and what kind of questions will the company ask?In this event you will meet HR- representatives from both Linak and Danfoss.You will get input on what they value in a CV and Coverletter and why.They will also give you tips and tricks for the interview process as well.It will be possible to ask questions as well, so think about what you would like to know more about.This event will focus on:[list][*]Recruitment process from a company perspective[*]Does and don'ts in your CV and Coverletter[*]The interview process[/list]The event will be hosted by Career consultant, Anja Saaby SotoWe are looking forward to seeing youPractical information:Time and place: 18th of March 2025 from 14-16 in the Red Box (M304-M307)If we have time in the end, it will be possible to get feedback on your CV, so bring a printed version.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

DIAS event: When and why is it so hard to change cities? by Martin Vinæs Larsen

19 mar

In this talk I will examine how communities mobilize to resist urban development and how these dynamics shape the future of cities. I’ll discuss the factors that drive opposition to change, such as housing costs, community identity, and the perceived impacts on local character. By understanding these motivations, we can gain insights into the persistent challenges urban planners and policymakers face in building cities that balance progress with preservation.About Martin Vinæs LarsenMartin Vinæs Larsen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University.  His research focuses on understanding the politics of housing and local government. Martin was recently awarded a Semper Ardens: Accelerate Grant from the Carlsberg Foundation and a starting grant from the European Research Council to pursue this research. His work has been published in the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics and the British Journal of Political Science. VenueThe DIAS Auditorium, SDU Campus OdenseThis event is open for all. No registration needed.

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Alsion 2, Sønderborg


14:00 - 17:00

Student Collaboration Day

25 mar

//Danish version below//Open to collaborate with a company?At the career fair "Student Collaboration Day” in Sønderborg, you get to meet 50 companies open to collaborate with students. The participating companies and organizations will bring specific ads/open positions and collaboration opportunities. This makes your chances of landing an agreement or enhancing your network that much bigger, and furthermore gives you knowledge about the specific collaboration and job opportunities.During the career fair you also can get a brief CV check and advice on your application from SDU RIO – AND have your picture taken.Practical info:No registration is needed for students: Prepare - show up – get a study sticker – "visit” as many companies as possible.//Åben for at samarbejde med en virksomhed?//Til karrieremessen ”Student Collaboration Day” i Sønderborg kan du møde 50 forskellige virksomheder, som er åbne for at samarbejde med studerende. De deltagende virksomheder og organisationer vil medbringe specifikke jobstillinger og samarbejdsaftaler  på dagen, hvorfor din mulighed for at lande en aftale også er det større! Du får samtidigt direkte viden om de muligheder, der er for studiejob og samarbejdsmuligheder.I løbet af karrieremessen kan du også få sparring på dit CV og råd til ansøgningen af SDU RIO – OG få dit professionelle billede taget.Praktisk info:Det er ikke nødvendigt for studerende at registrere deltagelse. Forbered dig – få et klistermærke – og besøg så mange virksomheden, som du har lyst til.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


10:00 - 17:00

Revival of Traumatic Pasts: German and Italian Colonization in German and Italian Fiction and Memory Activism

1 apr

Despite the temporal distance, Italy and Germany have presently begun to recognize their ethical “implication” (Rothberg 2019) into their crimes of colonialism. The revival of these vital but marginalized memories challenges the core of these countries’ national identities contradicting the singularity of the Holocaust in Germany and the amnesia and embellishment of colonialism prevailing in Italy. This seminar explores the idea that German and Italian authors of postcolonial fiction and memory activists are two types of “memory entrepreneurs” (Pollak 1993), who by different means make Germany’s and Italy’s colonial crimes “memorable” (Rigney 2021) in the public sphere.In the seminar, leading experts of postcolonial literature and memory activists will present key authors of German and Italian postcolonial literature and memory activism focussing on the “Colonialism Remembrance Concept for the city of Berlin” that contests problematic urban spaces. Ultimately, the seminar will open a discussion about possible approaches to transnational and interdisciplinary research into colonialism.Sign up and programme: is welcome! For questions please contact Jessica Ortner

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

DIAS event: Understanding Brain Cells: How They Shape Health and Disease by Oscar Marín

2 apr

The brain relies on a diverse group of cells called GABAergic interneurons to maintain balance and regulate communication between neurons. These specialized cells play a crucial role in brain function, and when they don’t work properly, they have been linked to epilepsy and cognitive deficits in many neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.Despite their importance, we are only beginning to understand how these cells develop, connect, and adapt. In this talk, I will share insights from our research on how interneurons form, how their numbers are controlled, and how they integrate into brain circuits to support healthy function.About Oscar MarínOscar Marín is a Professor of Neuroscience and Director of the MRC Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology at King’s College London. He graduated in Biology and obtained a PhD in Neuroscience from Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain), followed by postdoctoral training at UCSF (USA). He was a group leader at the Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante (Spain) before joining King’s in 2014. In 2005, he was selected as one of the founding members of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council, where he served until 2010. He is a Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Oscar is known for his discoveries concerning the development of the cerebral cortex, with special reference to the development of inhibitory interneurons. His discoveries have provided a novel conceptual paradigm that illuminates current research on the origin of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. He serves on several editorial and advisory boards and has received multiple prizes, including the Rey Jaime I Award for Basic Research (2011), Prix Roger de Spoelberch (2014), the Cajal Medal from the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences (2017), the ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award (2023), and the FENS-EJN Award (2024).VenueThe DIAS Auditorium, SDU Campus OdenseThis event is open for all. No registration needed.

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Kløvervænget 23, Odense C


14:00 - 18:00

Tiltrædelsesseminar for professor Faisal Mahmood, adjungeret professor Daniela Thorwarth og adjungeret professor Uulke van der Heide

4 apr

”Personalizing Radiation Therapy with MRI"

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14:00 - 15:30

Sådan skriver du en god ansøgning og et godt CV

22 apr

Har du styr på, hvordan man skriver et godt CV og ansøgning?En velkomponeret ansøgning og et skarpt CV kan være udslagsgivende i jobsøgningen. Det kan overbevise arbejdsgiveren om, at du er den helt rigtige til stillingen og derfor også lander jobbet. Men hvordan skriver man en god ansøgning og et skarpt CV? Til dette webinar får du alle redskaberne til, hvordan man skriver den gode ansøgning og det skarpe CV.Hvad får du?:[list][*]Dos and Don’t´s I forhold til, hvad dit CV og din ansøgning bør indeholde.[*]Viden om hvad arbejdsgiverne kigger efter i dit materiale.[*]Eksempler på hvad der fungerer godt og mindre godt – og hvordan du fikser det.[/list]  Hvem kan deltage?:Uanset hvilket studie du går på er du velkommen.

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13:30 - 16:00

How to approach a Ph. D.

24 apr

Are you considering approaching a Ph.D.?In this course you will be equipped with a lot of relevant knowledge about the Ph.D. path. Among other things, you will get info about what the everyday life looks like:[list][*]What tasks will you solve?[*]What competencies are important in order to perform well?[/list]You will also become aware of what it generally takes to land a Ph.D. and what your first important steps may be, even while studying.At the workshop, you will gain relevant knowledge, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions to current and former Ph.D. students at SDU. They will be available for questions as a panel after their presentations.Program:[list=1][*]Short welcome and program[*]Presentation from two SDU PhD students, who tell about the way to and everyday life as a PHD /researcher[*]What do you do as a PhD student (tasks/ competencies / preferences)[*]What it takes to become a PHD student - all the formal requirements[*]Questions for the PHD panel – including their best advice[/list]At the event / course you will learn more about:[list][*]What it takes to land a PHD?[*]How everyday life is as a PhD student?[*]What tasks you solve and competencies you need?[*]Tips on how to make yourself attractive to the PHD job while studying?[/list]Who can participate?Regardless of what you are studying, all SDU students are welcome to participate.

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14:00 - 15:30

Lær at bruge LinkedIn som studerende

29 apr

Er LinkedIn overhovedet relevant når du er studerende?JA! Det er en myte, at LinkedIn kun er et karriereværktøj, som kan bruges af færdiguddannede og folk der er etablerede i deres branche. Hvis du bruger LinkedIn allerede i løbet af studietiden, lærer du vigtige færdigheder i, hvordan du anvender LinkedIn og interagerer med dit netværk.LinkedIn er et vigtigt redskab i jobsøgningen, men er også et redskab til networking og karriereopdatering i løbet af hele studiet og i dit efterfølgende arbejdsliv.Til dette webinar får du:[list][*]Viden om hvad LinkedIn er og hvordan du bruger det som studerende.[*]Viden om hvordan LinkedIn bruges, som et vigtigt element i jobsøgningen.[*]Viden om de enkelte værktøjer i LinkedIn og hvordan du bruger dem.[/list]Praktiske informationer:[list][*]Opret gerne din profil på LinkedIn inden webinaret og opret forbindelse til folk du kender.[/list]

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


10:00 - 12:30

SDU Studiejob- og praktikmesse

30 apr

Deltag i SDU‘ Studiejob- og praktikmesse!Til karrieremessen på SDU har du muligheden for at møde regionale virksomheder, der er interesserede i at samarbejde med og ansætte studerende og nyuddannede.Du kan møde omkring 30 forskellige virksomheder til messen, herunder både store internationale virksomheder og små startups, samt offentlige institutioner og styrelser. Alle deltagende virksomheder har samme ting i sigte – nemlig et ønske om at møde studerende, der vil indgå et samarbejde med dem.På dagen har du mulighed for at tage en snak med de forskellige virksomheder og styrelser, som står fordelt på campustorvet. Her har du altså muligheden for at lande et samarbejde gennem dialog og networking.Følgende virksomheder er tilmeldt messen:(De deltagende virksomheder offentliggøres snarest)Vi ser frem til din deltagelse!

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


11:15 - 12:15

DIAS event: Reproducible research, peer review, and research assessment: how do they mix? by John Ioannidis

30 apr

There is increasing evidence that most scientific research does not meet standards of reproducibility and transparency. Concurrently, there are many efforts to improve the reproducibility, transparency, and eventually the credibility and usefulness of scientific evidence. Peer review is a central mechanism for vetting, correcting, and improving science. However, it has met with a broadening range of challenges, as 7 million papers are published every year, publication systems are over-commercialized, and reviewers are overfatigued. Many scholars argue that research assessment in general, if done properly for individuals and institutions, can be a major tool for enhancing research design, conduct, and outcomes. A central quest is whether proper incentives are provided and reinforced. Many ideas are proposed for changing peer review and research assessment, but few of them have solid evidence.About John P.A. IoannidisJohn P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc was born in New York City and raised in Athens, Greece. He trained at Athens College, University of Athens (medicine and DSc in biopathology), Harvard and Tufts (internal medicine, infectious diseases), and then held positions at NIH, Johns Hopkins, Tufts, Harvard, Imperial College, and University of Ioannina. He moved to Stanford in 2010 where he is Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Heath, and (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science. He launched the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS) in 2013. He has served as President of the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology and of the Association of American Physicians, as editorial board member of many leading journals and as Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Clinical Investigation. He has been elected to many honorific academies and has received 6 honorary doctoral degrees and many awards. He is the author of ten literary books, three of them shortlisted for best book of the year Anagnostis awards in Greece. His work aims to improve research methods and practices and to enhance approaches to integrating information and generating reliable evidence. VenueThe DIAS Auditorium, SDU Campus OdenseThis event is open for all. No registration needed.

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Esbjerg Sygehus, Esbjerg


14:00 - 18:00

Tiltrædelsesseminar for klinisk professor Troels Korshøj Bergmann

9 maj

”Klinisk Farmakologi: Fra forskningsfelt til frontlinje”

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Sidst opdateret: 03.01.2025