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How to optimize your external funding cv

When: December 15th at 14:00-15.00


What: We are amid a paradigm shift in terms of how to present your academic CV that goes with your proposals for external funding. We are moving away from simply presenting publications and metrics towards a more narrative CV focusing on the impact of your research.

This presentation provides you with an insight to the details on how to structure your CV, which details to include and how, and which ones are less relevant. 

Please notice that the presentation focus on CV´s for individual grant applications.


Who: The session is targeted researchers who plan to apply to the individual excellence programmes like DFF Sapere Aude, DFF Inge Lehmann, ERC, Novo Nordisk Fonden & Lundbeckfonden.


Where: Zoom


How: You sign up by sending an email to Lone L. Laursen ( Please write the session name in the subject line. 


Presenter: Lone L. Laursen, Syddansk Forskerstøtte


NB. The course will be repeated approximately every 6 months


Sidst opdateret: 13.11.2023