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Solubility of poorly soluble drugs

Vejleder: Beate Klösgen

The oral administration of a drug is often limited by its poor pH-dependent solubility in aqueous surroundings. The targeted design of a formulation bases on the knowledge of the solubility in neutral, acidic, and basic conditions.


The solubility of a model drug shall be studied by use of optical spectroscopy (UV-vis) and light scattering (DLS).

The bachelor (or master) project shall contribute to a new method to measure solubility and accomplish existing results, collected in previous projects. The samples studied will base on an initial “high concentration” stock to be diluted further. If time allows, the pH of the solvent may be varied. The project is very challenging in that it demands for careful sample preparation with delicate control of sample concentration in all dilution steps.

Especially, the project will involve experimental work making samples and conducting spectroscopic (UV-vis) and light scattering (DLS) experiments. The solubility limit will be identified in a deviation of the Lambert-Beer-behaviour of dilute samples, before bigger aggregates are formed as evident in the light scattering. The data analysis is straightforward using the software Origin Pro, or EXCEL, or just base on manual plotting. The student will learn about the making of controlled samples by systematic planning and procedure documentation, the use of standard lab equipment, especially the dedicated use of analytical scales and volumetric pipets, and how to generate meaningful plots from the measurements. The results shall be assembled and discussed, to be filed into a thesis text.


Institut for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: 6550 3520

Sidst opdateret: 09.08.2023