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Department of Green Technology

Employee Portal

Department of Green Technology

The Faculty of Engineering

Reporting of sickness, child's sickness, childcare days, and other work-related absence.

On the first day of absence:

  • On the first day of absence you must notify your nearest leader  + absence responsible at the department Christina Buch Sahner.
    Either by email or by phone 6550 7337.

  Absence is not-planned absence such as illness and child’s illness. Care days and Senior days must be planned and approved in advance.

  • The absence is confirmed by Christina by email and registered in HCM.

  • The employee must make sure to note "Not present"  in their calendar for the day(s) and add an auto reply to their email.

When you return to work:

  • On first day back at work a notification is given to nearest leader  + absence responsible at the department Christina Buch Sahner.
    Either by email or by telephone.

    This is very important as you, without a recovery-mail will be on sick leave in the system. The sick leave will also appear in your hourly accounts at TEK Economy.

REMEMBER that failure to report absences is to be described as illegal absence and that it is not legal to report absence retrospectively.




On the first day of your return, please fill out and hand in the signed absence form to Christina Buch Sahner.

You can find the form here.

Last Updated 27.07.2024