Tasks of the Council
The council's task is to discuss and advise the management of the department in regards to circumstances relevant for the progress, development, organisation and economy of the department, including:
- The departments academic development work and strategy on research, education and knowledge sharing
- The departments contribution to the faculty's strategy and development work
- The departments organisation in relation to research and educations of the faculty
- Quality assurance of the department
- Economy and budgetting, amongst these external funds etc.
- Recruiting policy in regards to research and educations of the faculty
- Physical and social frames for employees and students
- Student environment and well-being
- Management decisions
Members of the committee per 01 january 2025:
Election Group I
Chairman: Jens Ejbye Schmidt, jesc@igt.sdu.dk
Henrik Karring, hka@igt.sdu.dk
Vahid Karimi, vak@igt.sdu.dk
Shuang Ma Andersen, mashu@igt.sdu.dk
Martin Aage Barsøe Hedegaard, marhe@igt.sdu.dk
Christina J. Birke Rune, cjbr@igt.sdu.dk
Election Group II
Kathrine Lynge Wiingaard, kalw@igt.sdu.dk
Raghunandan Sharma, rash@igt.sdu.dk
Simon Svane, sims@igt.sdu.dk
Election Group III
Jasper Lorens Betton, jabet24@student.sdu.dk
1 seat vacant
1 seat vacant
Substitute Election Group I:
Mie Thorborg Pedersen, mtpe@igt.sdu.dk (1. suppleant)
Rime Bahij, Rime Bahij, rimb@igt.sdu.dk (2. suppleant)
Substitute Election Group II:
Rikke Klindt Muller, rikm@igt.sdu.dk (1. suppleant)
Hanne V. Hemmingsen, hvh@igt.sdu.dk (2. suppleant)
Substitute Election Group III:
1 seat vacant
Minutes & meeting dates
Minutes 2024:
27 February 2024
26 June 2024
10 October 2024
11 December 2024