TravelTips and some good advices to your business travel for SDU/IGT.
IGT uses the DSB App when traveling by train or other means of public transportation.
Once registered in the Business Portal, you can make purchases on invoice using your DSB Plus profile.
It is important that the email you log in to the app with is the same as the one your company has created you with in the Business Portal. If you already have a DSB Plus profile with a different private email address, you must change the email address in your DSB Plus profile to the one you also use on DSB Business.
Booking hotel in DK |
Book most easily through "Boligformidlingen" by contacting the agency in connection with the need for hotel accommodation in Denmark. The housing agency makes sure to find and reserve rooms as well as obtain the promised discounts. Bookings can be made by an email to Please state the following in the e-mail: For further information see; Please note that "Boligformidlingen" cannot book hotels abroad. Here you will need to book via SDU's travel agency CWT.
Credit Card |
SDU has signed an agreement with SEB Kort concerning the issuing of credit cards with company liability to SDU staff. The credit card may only be used when payment cannot be completed in the normal manner based on an invoice (electronic invoices from Danish suppliers). Read more here where also the application form can be found.
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Employee Portal
Department of Green Technology
The Faculty of Engineering