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Department of Technology and Innovation

Working hours

Working hours according to the Collective Agreement for Academics

The majority of employees on a collective agreement basis in the state follow either the rules in the state's working hours agreement or the rules in the Collective Agreement for Academics (Danish Confederation ofProfessional Associations).

If you are covered by the Collective Agreement for Academics, the working hours rules are stated in the agreement. 'Working hours' as a concept is not specified in the collective agreement, and therefore there are generally flexible options for organising working hours.

An availability allowance is granted for administrative officers who assume an availability obligation and an extra time obligation. The availability allowance is provided as compensation for availability obligation and extra work as well as for flexibility in general.

The extra time obligation amounts to up to 20 hours per quarter (new salary) and 45 hours per quarter (old salary). For part-time employees, the availability obligation is reduced proportionately, with a corresponding reduction in the allowance.

For academic staff without an availability obligation, extra hours/overtime is paid in accordance with the applicable collective agreement.

Reimbursement can only be granted for extra work:

1. which has been imposed on you by special order or has been a precondition for the proper performance of the service and

2. which has been of greater extent and has extended over a period which must not normally be less than 4 weeks.

In connection with the determination of compensation for extra hours, the following requirements must be observed:

1. You must explain in writing the basis for the extra hours, the nature of the work and the hours spent.

2. Your immediate supervisor must certify the statement, including the specified spent hours, and make a recommendation based on his/her assessment of the statement after deliberation with you.

3. The report must be submitted at the end of the extra hours and at least every three months.

Reimbursement for extra hours is granted to the extent possible in the form of time off equivalent to the extra hours spent with an addition of 50 percent.

If the extra hours cannot be settled before the end of the quarter immediately following the time when the scope of the extra hours was calculated, it can instead be converted into saved hours/days. Upon agreement with your immediate manager, the hours/days can then be taken.

When settling the saved hours, you are entitled to your usual salary, including any foreseeable supplements. Upon termination of the employment relationship, any remaining saved hours are settled in cash at the current hourly wage.

Working hours for contract employees (not under the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations)

The majority of employees on a collective agreement basis in the state follow either the rules in the state's working hours agreement or the rules in the Collective Agreement for Academics (Danish Confederation ofProfessional Associations) .

The multi-union collective agreement of the Organisations of PublicEmployees - Denmark (OAO-S) stipulates that the state's working hours agreement applies, unless otherwise stated in the individual organisation agreement.

This applies for i.a. employees covered by the collective agreement for administrative officers, laboratory technicians and IT workers (HK), the organisation agreement for cleaning assistants and specialist workers etc. employed by the state (3F) and the organisation agreement for artisans employed by the state.

The normal weekly working time for a full-time employee is 37 hours, spread equally over the five working days of the week. The 37 hours are calculated over a standard period, typically one month. However, there are collective agreements/organisational agreements which, for example, contain a 4-week, quarterly or annual norm.
Part-time employment can commence when the collective agreement or the organisational agreement allows for this. If you are employed on a part-time basis, working hours and wages are reduced proportionately.
You are entitled to a paid lunch break, provided that it lasts less than 30 minutes and that you are available to your employer and do not leave the workplace without permission (unless otherwise agreed upon with your manager).
The right to a paid lunch break does not apply to employees under agreements which explicitly state that the lunch break is unpaid.

When the standard working hours are exceeded, it counts as overtime. For part-time employees, overtime in relation to standard working hours follows the full-time standard (i.e. 37 hours). Until this is fulfilled, only ordinary hourly wages are provided for the extra hours.
The standard period is typically one month. However, some collective agreements/organisational agreements operate with the standard for a 4-week, quarterly or annual norm.

The office hours are determined for the individual function areas in agreement with the University Director. Within regular office hours, work tasks and service functions in relation to the University's users must be performed in a satisfactory manner. It must therefore be ensured that the required number of employees is available, so that the individual departments are always functional within office hours.

The flexitime scheme must not lead to unnecessary delay or impede the work of the University. It is therefore necessary that employees mutually inform each other about intended absence so that necessary functions can be performed.

Your flexitime accounts are calculated monthly and annually. When settling your accounts, you are allowed a maximum of 10 hours' deficit or 40 hours' excess in relation to the standard working hours. In certain cases, the function area's chief executive/the University Director may grant exemption from the rule of a maximum of 40 excess hours in relation to the standard working hours. Using up saved time in the form of entire days off must always  be agreed with your immediate manager.

Saved time cannot be settled in cash. Excess hours exceeding 40 hours in relation to the standard working hours shall lapse at the end of a period. When settling excess hours, they are calculated hour by hour. Excess hours exceeding 40 hours in relation to the standard working hours lapse at the end of an exemption period.

Upon resignation, any excess or deficit hours must be settled before the date of resignation. Excess hours that have not been settled upon resignation cannot be expected to be remunerated separately.

For employees without an availability obligation, overtime is only counted when it is carried out at the request of the management and the work is outside the employee's standard working hours. Ordered extra work/overtime outside standard working hours is not affected by the the flexitime scheme. Overtime is remunerated in accordance with the applicable collective agreement.

Last Updated 14.08.2023