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Department of Technology and Innovation

Working hours

On this page, you will find links to information about:

  • Time registration for TAP - statutory registration of working hours - effective from July 1, 2024 
  • Time registration for hourly-paid employees - DTAP
  • Time registration for VIP and TAP employees who need to meet external requirements for time registration on research projects

The new Working Time Registration Act requires employers to introduce a working time registration system that makes it possible to measure the daily working hours of each employee. The law on maximum upper working hours already exists:

  • as an employee, you are not allowed to work more than 48 hours per week on average over a period of 4 months.
  • you are entitled to a weekly day off.
  • your working hours must be organised so that you get a rest period of at least 11 consecutive hours within each 24-hour period.

Remote work in relation to days off and the 11-hour rule:

  • If you occasionally work from home, the work done at home is exempt from the 11-hour rule and the weekly day off rule.
  • The hours must still be registered as they count towards the 48-hour rule.
  • Regarding remote work and exemptions, it is important that you organize the work yourself.
  • If the work is assigned, the exemption does not apply.
  • If you work exclusively or predominantly from home, the exemption does not apply.

The purpose of time registration is to ensure that existing rules on maximum weekly working hours and rest periods are respected so that employees are not overburdened by too much work. During 2024 and 2025, SDU will start registering time in mTIME for more employees. Student assistants and employees in external projects have already started. 

Link to Arbejdstidsloven (in Danish)

Last Updated 01.10.2024