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Testemonials fra SDU forskere



Anna Paldam Folker

Position, unit/faculty

Head of Research, Associate Professor, National Institute of Public Health, SDU

Head of Human Health, SDU

My experience with CS

In an ongoing Human Health-project we experiment with CS through collaboration with TV/Syd and through direct involvement of citizens in the design and data collection process

What is the potential for CS?

Better legitimacy and relevance; Attunement of needs and language; Societal impact

Do you see possibilities for further projects?

Definitely. I integrated CS in two research applications for Novo Nordisk Fonden and TrygFonden. And more to come.



Sara Egemose

Position, unit/faculty

Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science

My experience with CS

I have worked with Citizen Science since 2007 in different project. I have cooperated with fishermen’s, made Citizen Science projects about climate adaptation in cooperation with utility companies and high school and latest the Citizen Science project “Find a lake” in cooperation with citizens, primary schools, high schools, libraries and institutions

What is the potential for CS?

It has a great potential in many research disciplines. Its important to engage citizens in research and use also as a communication channel both from researcher to citizen and from citizen to researcher.

Do you see possibilities for further projects?

Yes, definitely. I already have more project ideas in mind and several of them are already included in upcoming applications for funding.



Sidst opdateret: 29.06.2023