Attract new talent to SDU
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions offer many opportunities. Research leaders can attract new talent to their research group through MSCA's postdoctoral fellowships.
A new theme on EU focuses on talent recruitment to research environments. In a podcast on postdoctoral fellowships, research leaders can listen to Professor Aglae Pizzone, who has experience in recruiting postdocs.
The research leader is interviewed by funding advisor Henry Bainton, and they discuss the opportunities and challenges in the recruitment and application process.
There is also material – a Q&A and an overview – that can be forwarded to potential applicants who want to know more about being an MSCA postdoc at the University of Southern Denmark and working in Denmark.
There are other information for those interested in EU funding. Get an overview if you are new to the EU context, information for young researchers applying for an ERC Starting Grant, and tips for researchers who want to join larger interdisciplinary collaborative projects within Global Challenges.
MSCA theme
Information for research leaders who wish to attract international talent to the university.