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Flexitime at the Faculty of Science

Technical/administrative staff members covered by the agreement have certain liberties in organising their working hours, as long as the needs and tasks of the workplace are satisfactorily resolved, and so that the service standard is maintained both externally and internally.

The areas of the Faculty of Science are different in terms of tasks, staff composition, peak loads, deadlines, etc. The agreement takes these considerations into account.

The agreement supplements the following provisions on working hours:

The agreement does not entail any changes to managerial rights, existing agreements, collective agreements and other rules regarding working hours, overtime, additional working hours or availability obligations, etc.

The flexitime scheme covers employees appointed on the basis of collective agreements, civil servants and civil servant-like employees in technical-administrative positions (TAP and A-TAP) at the Faculty of Science.

Managers, senior consultants and specialist consultants are not covered by the flexitime scheme, but it is also important for these employees that SDU is an attractive workplace.

Under special circumstances, the head of department/secretariat can exempt an employee from participation in the flexitime scheme or restrict it, for example due to an extraordinary work situation or due to non-compliance. The union representative is involved to the extent possible.

The agreement uses the following terms:

  • Departments/secretariats/sections. The Faculty of Science is organised in a faculty secretariat with a head of secretariat and 4 departments with a head of department. Each department consists of a secretariat and a number of sections of varying size.

  • Working hours. The working hours for all full-time employees are 37 hours per week. The flexitime scheme has no rules on fixed working hours. The employees can thus place their working hours within the framework and limitations of the scheme.

  • Basis time. The basis time of an employee refers to their agreed number of working hours, according to the collective agreement and employment contract and distributed equally over the first five working days of the week. The basis time for a full-time employee is 37 hours per week, corresponding to 7 hours and 24 minutes per day. For part-time employees, the basis time is determined individually.

  • Flexitime hours. Working hours in addition to the basis time count as flexitime hours. Flexitime hours can be earned both on and off campus.

  • Opening hours. The normal working hours of the secretariat, during which the secretariat is available for inquiries, both on-site and online. See also section 3.

The opening hours refer to the normal working hours of each secretariat and are determined by agreement with the head of department/secretariat.

During its opening hours, the secretariat as a whole must be able to carry out its tasks and service functions in relation to the university's activities in a satisfactory manner. It must be ensured that the necessary number of employees is available, so that each department is always functional within it opening hours.

It is the responsibility of the individual department to organise the work in accordance with the above. When planning the working hours of each individual employee, it is a prerequisite that the department/secretariat/section as a whole can function satisfactorily during its opening hours.

Employees covered by the flexitime scheme must register their working hours and absences in SDU's flexitime system on a daily basis.

At the beginning of each month, the employee must generate a monthly flexitime report and send it to their immediate manager. 

The progression in the flexitime balance shall be the subject of ongoing discussion between the employee and their immediate manager. In case the balance exceeds 40 hours in surplus or 10 hours in deficit compared to the employee's basis time, the employee and their immediate manager must make arrangements to bring the flexitime account into balance.

Saved-up flexitime can normally only be taken as time off in lieu, either as full or half days or as hours. Time taken off in lieu must be coordinated with colleagues to the extent necessary, and full days off in lieu must always be agreed with the immediate manager.

When planning time off in lieu, it should be considered that the department/secretariat/section as a whole must be able to perform its tasks and service functions satisfactorily.

In case of resignation, the flexitime balance should be null by the end of the employee's last working day. 

Ordered overtime and additional work is handled outside of the flexitime scheme and is remunerated in accordance with the applicable collective agreement.
Further down the page, it is described how different forms of absence should be registered in the flexitime system.
Annually on 1 May, SDU HR prepares a flexitime account calculated for the individual areas at the Faculty of Science. The statement is discussed by the faculty management and by the Liaison Committee.

The flexitime scheme is administered by SDU HR and the personnel managers at the Faculty of Science.

The flexitime scheme may be terminated by both the A-side and the B-side of the Liaison Committee with 3 months' notice, with an obligation to renegotiate.

The flexitime scheme cannot be terminated separately for individual staff groups.

Below is a description of how different types of absence are registered in the flexitime system:

Absence due to ...

In the event that it is not possible to plan a medical or dental appointment outside normal working hours, it is credited to the flexitime account.

For a doctor's visit, "Læge" is selected as the reason for absence, and for a dentist's visit, "Tandlæge" is selected.

However, a visit to the doctor or dentist that lasts an entire working day is considered a sick day.

In the event that it is not possible to plan a medical treatment outside normal working hours, it is credited to the flexitime account.

In the flexitime system, select "Læge" as reason for absence.

However, a medical treatments that lasts a full working day is considered a sick day.

Time taken off on a child’s first and/or second sickness day by agreement with the immediate manager can be credited to the employee's flexitime account.

On the child's first sickness day, "Barns 1. sygedag" is selected as reason for absence in the flexitime system, and on the child's second sickness day,  "Barns 2. sygedag" is selected.

In each calendar year up to and including the calendar year in which the child turns 7, a maximum of 2 days off per child (to be planned with the immediate manager) can be credited to the employee's flexitime account.

In the flexitime system, "Omsorg" is selected as reason for absence.

In the event that it is not possible to plan a child's medical or dental appointment outside normal working hours, it is credited to the employee's flexitime account.

Should be registrered in the flexible time system as "Korrigering", with the reason for the absence stated in the comment field.

Accompanying a child to a medical or dental appointment that lasts an entire working day is, however, treated as the child's first/second sick day.

As a general rule, employees should donate blood outside working hours whenever possible. If this is not possible, time taken off to donate blood is credited to the flexitime account.

Blood donors are encouraged to use the mobile blood bank at the addresses where possible.

Should be registered in the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for the absence stated in the comment field.

Participation in courses, seminars and conferences by agreement with the immediate manager is considered as working time.

Up to 13 hours' travelling time per day to courses/seminars/conferences is considered as working time in so far as the travelling time exceeds the time usually spent by the employee on transportation between their home and the workplace.

Should be registered as "Kursus" in the flexitime system.

Meetings outside the university are considered as working time.

Up to 13 hours' travelling time per day during business trips is considered as working time in so far as the travelling time exceeds the time usually spent by the employee on transportation between their home and the workplace.

Should be registered in the flexitime system as regular working hours.

By agreement with the immediate manager, time taken off in the event of serious illness, death or funeral of a close relative is credited to the flexitime account.

In this context, close relatives are defined as the employee's spouse/partner, siblings, children, parents, parents-in-law, and grandparents.

Should be registered in the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for the absence stated in the comment field.

Time taken off by agreement with the immediate manager for the following reasons can be credited to the employee's flexitime account:

  • Up to 1 day off for the employee's own wedding, silver wedding or golden wedding
  • Up to 1 day off for their child's or sibling's wedding
  • Up to 1 day off for their parents' silver or golden wedding

Should be registered the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for absence stated in the comment field.

Time taken off by agreement with the immediate manager in the event that an employee moves to a new home, up to 1 day off can be credited to the employee's flexitime account.

Should be registered the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for the absence stated in the comment field.

Sick days are credited to the employee's flexitime account.

In the flexitime system, select "Syg" as the reason for absence.

Regular and special holidays accrued during the employee's employment at SDU are credited to the employee's flexitime account.

In the flexitime system,  select "Ferie" as the reason for absence in case of regular holidays, and "Særlig feriedag" in case of special holidays.

Employees can make arrangements with their immediate manager to take time off for exams in connection with job-related education/training. Up to 1 working day per exam can be credited to the flexitime account.

Should be registered in the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for absence stated in the comment field.

Employees can make arrangements with their immediate manager to take time off in the event of their own 25th, 40th or 50th anniversary in the service of the state. Up to 1 working day can be credited to the flexitime account.

Should be registered in the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for absence stated in the comment field.

Time taken off for public duties is credited to the flexitime account, cf. the ministerial order on public duties.

Should be registered the flexitime system as "Korrigering", with the reason for absence stated in the comment field.

On the day of the Annual University Celebration (the last Friday of October), the university closes at noon.

For full-time employees, the basis time on this day is 4 hours.

Senior days off are credited to the employee's flexitime account.

The right to take senior days off requires a senior employee scheme agreed by the employee and their manager.

In the flexitime system, select "Seniordag" as the reason for absence.

Local agreement on flexitime at the Faculty of Science (pdf in Danish)

Last Updated 28.11.2024