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A year with the faculty's new strategy

On 26 January 2021, the faculty management approved the faculty's strategy for the period from 2021 to 2025, and since then a number of different actions have been initiated.

By Tina Larsen, , 12/13/2021

Following input from various faculty meeting bodies, 7 themes were prioritised in the spring of 2021:

  • leadership, well-being and involvement
  • administrative digitalisation
  • education
  • collaboration
  • digital competence development
  • co-creation
  • onboarding

Overall, Dean Marianne Holmer is enthusiastic about the great commitment she has experienced during the work on the strategy:

– The strategic work started in earnest in the summer of 2021, where especially the themes of leadership, well-being and involvement as well as education have taken up a lot of our time. It has been a pleasure to see how the staff of the faculty have contributed to getting the strategy translated into action. I believe it is crucial for all of us that we approach the task with a desire to make the faculty a workplace characterised by well-being and security, and where the students experience high professionalism and a good study environment.

Leadership, well-being and involvement

One of the important themes is leadership, well-being and involvement. Among other things, the departments have worked with job descriptions / delegation letters for their section leaders and research leaders. A job that has involved many of the departments' employees.

Head of Department Jakob Møller-Jensen says that at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, they have had many talks since September about what a job description should look like:

– As head of the department, I am really happy that so many of the department's employees have contributed to this work. We have received important input to the job descriptions from our section leaders and research leaders, and the department council at BMB has also helped to approve the product. Throughout, I have experienced that managers and employees have been able to see that job descriptions are a good way to align expectations. I am very much looking forward to following whether the discussions and the descriptions themselves lead to more security and trust between manager and employee and thus increased well-being at our department.

Under leadership, well-being and involvement, there has also been a strong focus on internal communication and involvement.


Throughout the year, the faculty's Education Committee has worked intensively with the graduates' competencies and competence awareness. Vice Dean Poul Nielsen has headed this work, and he describes it as follows:

– The Education Committee has worked together with the teaching committees to define the most important non-core professional competencies in the education programmes. I think that the discussions have been characterised by good energy and support from all sides. Now we really need to look at how this part of the strategy should be implemented, and I am very much looking forward to that.

Administrative digitalisation

The faculty's new administrative Digitalisation Committee had its first meeting back in May 2021. Head of Administration Niels Kring says the following about the first 8 months of the committee's work:

– The Digitalisation Committee has helped to drive the overall administrative digital agenda at the faculty, and thus ensured that workflows and processes at all levels of the organisation are coordinated in the best possible way. New digital systems have greatly affected the reality of the faculty for better or worse, including a new HR system and a new financial system, and during the planning and implementation of these systems, the Digitalisation Committee has played an important role.

Editing was completed: 13.12.2021