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A word from the dean

Signup to celebrate our 50th anniversary before going on vacation

After a well deserved summer break, we will celebrate the Faculty of Science's 50th anniversary.

By Marianne Holmer, , 7/4/2024

Dear staff

Last week ended with two festive days, when 67 pharmacists and 173 science students graduated.

The spirits were high both days and the big smiles were on display as each individual received a graduate certificate and had their photo taken by the busy photographer.

This year, the speakers continued to focus on a generation that was met with COVID-19 at the beginning of their studies and the challenges that it has brought, but also the learning that we have all taken with us.

We are very proud of our graduates. When they are all gathered on the podium, I get a good sense of how we at our faculty contribute to society with well-educated young people.

Not least a major contribution to the IT area with the many Computer Science and Data Science graduates.

Data Science has become the largest Master's programme at the Faculty of Science in recent years. Now an exciting time awaits the young graduates, when they have to go out to find their first jobs.

Our two party speakers, Tove K. Stryhn (Novo Nordisk) and Helle Thestrup (Ampliqon), both talked about their paths from their first jobs to their current top jobs, which have not exactly been easy.

I hope that the young graduates will be inspired by these speeches.

Last week it finally became possible to share more information about the Master's degree reform. There was great participation in the internal meeting at SDU and also great interest in the national information meeting the following day at SDU.

We now know much more about the types of education programmes that we will be working with in the future. When we are back after the summer, the Education Committee will start discussing the programmes at the faculty, and at the end of August the Executive Board and the Education Council will meet to discuss all programmes at SDU.

There will be a distribution of the allocated 120 ECTS study places (2-year programmes) and then – around 1 October –– we will discuss the many different options for conversion to business-oriented and shorter programmes (75 ECTS).

It is far from a desirable scenario, but we must work with the opportunities that the reform gives us.

We have long wanted closer cooperation with public and private companies, and there should be many opportunities for this in the new reform.

In August, we will also return to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Science.

It will be a festive day when we will look back on 50 years as a faculty – with both factual and humorous features.

I hope that as many people as possible will support the celebration. The festival committee has put a lot of effort into putting together an exciting programme, and good food, stand-up comedy and dancing have been planned.

Take your colleague under the arm and take part in a festive day at the faculty.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who worked hard with exams in June and the many who acted as tutors for our newly hatched graduates – and to everyone else who supports our educations programmes.

As mentioned above, the students seem happy and satisfied with their studies.

Now summer is just around the corner, and I would like to wish everyone a lovely July with bright summer nights and hopefully sun and warmth. 

Marianne Holmer, dean


Editing was completed: 04.07.2024