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15.00: NAT Talks in auditorium U45 – talks by Dean Marianne Holmer, Rector Jens Ringsmose and a former rector and dean, Jens Oddershede, who will give a look back at the faculty's history. Finally, the departments will give a fun insight into how they believe they have contributed to the world over the past 50 years.

16.30: Reception with NAT Prize Ceremony

18.00: Dinner in the Old Friday Bar– a delicious barbecue buffet with free drinks

20.00: Stand-up by special guest Conrad Molden, who will deliver his unique Danglish show, looking at life in Denmark through English eyes.

21.30: DJ and dancing

23:59: The party is over, say goodbye


Participation in the NAT Talks and the reception in auditorium U45 (15.00-17.30) is free of charge, but registration is required due to limited seating.

If you also want to take part in the evening festivities in the Old Friday Bar from 18.00 to 23.59 (dinner, entertainment, music and dancing), you must buy a dinner ticket for DKK 100, to be paid upon registration. The number of tickets is limited, and the tickets are sold on a first come, first serve basis.

Sign up no later than 5 August 2024

A trip down memory lane

If you have any photos from the 50-year history of the faculty that might be fun for others to see, we would appreciate if you would send them to us for use at the anniversary party.

Please send the photos to Allan Haurballe Madsen at

We look forward to a festive day in your good company!

On behalf of the party committee:

  • Allan Haurballe Madsen, Science Faculty Administration
  • Charlotte Fjelsing Jeppesen, Science Faculty Administration
  • Rikke Svensson, Department of Biology
  • Solvej Davidsen, Science Faculty Administration

Last Updated 05.07.2024