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A word from the dean

Board approves efforts to explore potential construction of new research building and facilities

After a period of sustained growth, the faculty is in need of more space. Options concerning a brand new research building are to be explored

By Marianne Holmer, , 9/19/2024

Dear staff

Last week, we got down to business with the Master's degree reform in earnest. The first discussions regarding the distribution of Master's study places with a view to making a decision on the restructuring of education programmes have now taken place in the executive board, the University Council and the Central Liaison Committee.

Discussions continue in relevant faculty councils, boards and committees, this week, but the material remains confidential, as there are still many uncertainties in the interpretation of the various parts of the reform.

We hope that many of these uncertainties will be clarified this week, when the national Master's Degree Committee will present answers to a number of questions from the universities. After that, the work will continue with coordination at the national level, where the deans will come into play.

Reorganisation of degree programmes must be decided by January 2025 at the latest, so that students who apply via quota 2 for admission in September 2025 know the content of their Bachelor's programmes. The first new Master's programmes start with admission 2028.

At SDU's board meeting in June, it was approved that SDU can proceed with investigating the possibility of a new research building for our faculty.

I think that everyone feels that we are under a lot of pressure for space throughout the faculty, which is not least due to the fact that we have doubled the amount of external funds we receive in just a few years. This means a lot of activity in laboratories and many new employees, and we therefore lack space in both laboratories and offices.

In addition, the planned renovation of the former Anatomy area was far too expensive and this plan had to be abandoned. This means that the Molecular Microbiology research section is still co-located with the Faculty of Health Sciences in Building 41.

Our local situation is further complicated by facade renovations in several parts of campus. This has already meant that the Centre for Research in Science Education and Communication has been temporarily rehoused in the DIAS building, while the facade renovation takes place over the next six months.

In the coming time, we will hold meetings with Technical Services to find out the most optimal configuration of a new research building. It is a difficult matter, as there are many considerations both from us and from Technical Services.

I hope that we can continue to find good solutions to the local situation until we get more space.

Marianne Holmer, dean

Editing was completed: 19.09.2024