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New researcher at SDU?

Find the information you need as new researcher at SDU.

Explore the particularities of the Danish funding landscape

Compared to other countries, the Danish funding landscape is rather complex. In addition to the public funding bodies, there is a host of private funders supporting everything from the solution of specific, top-down issues to entirely bottom-up, basic-research. Some have immense funds, others only distribute minor grants for travel expenses, research stays etc. Explore the most important funding bodies below:



Get to know your research support team here.
Explore the departments at The Faculty of Health and their affiliated researchers

The Faculty of Health Sciences has eight departments all sharing the vision to help promote health and to develop healthcare in a broad sense. Within the framework of this common vision, researchers at the faculty adopt a wide variety of methods and approaches: from clinical trials to phenomenological analysis, from brain research to public school interventions. Explore the different departments below:

Before you apply

Before you apply for funding there are a number of things to consider. Find them here

Last Updated 27.07.2024