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Desk job and computer glasses

Working with computer:

You can find more information here about: Working with computer

Computer glasses:

Computer glasses can be granted to employees according to their needs. Your Head of Unit must approve the application. 

It is important that the work on the computer screen is arranged in a way where lighting, table and chair etc. is set correctly in relation to the employee's working posture.  The distance from eye to screen should typically be 60-80 cm. Find more information in above mentioned guideline.   

The guideline in short:

  • SDU has an agreement with the optician Synoptik; i.e., you can only order computer glasses paid by SDU in a Synoptik outlet
  • You must bring completed and signed (by your immediate manager) request form to the optician, and if you already use glasses you must bring these as well.
  • Synoptik know the amount limit under the agreement. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to buy more expensive glasses even if you pay the price difference yourself.
  • Remember to inform the optician if you are allergic to nickel.
  • You must contact TEK Economy (Anne Søvsø Volstedt) to get a requisition number for the request form.
  • Remember that the requisition is only valid one month after date of signature.

 Need help?  Contact your local working environment group or Senior Advisor for Working Environment at TEK, Susanne P. Arnsted ( / T: 6550 7378)

Last Updated 22.05.2024