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Work Environment Committee (TAMU)

Ingeniøruddannelserne på SDU. Fotograf Mette Krull

Members of the Work Environment Committee at The Faculty of Engineering:

  • Dean Henrik Bindslev (Chairman)
  • Head of Department Jens Ejbye Schmidt, IGT
  • Head of Department Horst-Günther Rubahn, MCI
  • Head of Department Kasper Hallenborg, MMMI
  • Head of Department Jeroen Bergmann, ITI
  • Head of Department Christian Veje, IME
  • Head of Office Kirsten Præstegaard
  • Associate Professor Jonas Beermann
  • Laboratory Technician Hanne Vestergaard Hemmingsen
  • Engineer Mogens Melskens Petersen

Secretary: Maja Stade

Work Environment Groups at The Faculty of Engineering:

Rules of Procedure for TSU/TAMU

The Work Environment Committee has merged with the Liaison Committee (TSU).

Minutes from the meeting are only available in Danish. You can find the minutes here.

Last Updated 26.06.2024