Catering for courses If you need to order catering for a course offered by the Department of Biology, please complete the form below no later than 10 days before the start of your stay at the research station. Course number or account number Start date of the course End date of the course Responsible teacherName E-mail Phone Contact person during the courseName E-mail Phone Please state the amount of people for each mealMondayBreakfast - how many of them are vegans? Lunch - how many of them are vegans? Dinner - how many of them are vegans? TuesdayBreakfast - how many of them are vegans? Lunch - how many of them are vegans? Dinner - how many of them are vegans? WednesdayBreakfast - how many of them are vegans? Lunch - how many of them are vegans? Dinner - how many of them are vegans? ThursdayBreakfast - how many of them are vegans? Lunch - how many of them are vegans? Dinner - how many of them are vegans? FridayBreakfast - how many of them are vegans? Lunch - how many of them are vegans? Dinner - how many of them are vegans? Particular requestsAny comments Back to Booking and use of the research station Share on Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email