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Working and knowledge dissemination hours

The point of the SmartReg system is to keep track of the required hours you perform for the department, as well as the requirement of 300 knowledge dissemination hours according to the PhD order § 7.

Working and dessimination hours

Assignments can be registered as the following:

  • Working hours only
  • Knowledge dissemination hours only
  • Working hours and knowledge dissemination hours at the same time (e.g. teaching)

If you are enrolled at the PhD school and employed at FKF, the department will ask you to do work assignments for 840 hours[1] in total during your PhD.

  • Every assignment for which you want working hours should be approved by the Chairman of the FKF PhD Committee (Thomas Ryttov).
  • However, if the assignment is teaching or supervising students the work assignment must be approved by the Head of Education (Physics: Michael Lomholt, Chemistry and Pharmacy: Steffen Bähring and Judith Kuntsche via Charlotte Damsgaard).
    • Working hours for supervision of student’s projects should be split between PhD student and supervisor. Current working hours allocated to projects is Master project (30 ECTS) 48 hours, Master project (60 ECTS) 72 hours, Bachelor projects (10 ECTS) 24 hours, Bachelor projects (15 ECTS) 36 hours and Bachelor projects (20 ECTS) 42 hours.
  •  When you do your “change of environment” you will get working hours according to the amount of time you spend away from FKF. How many working hours you will receive can be calculated in SmartReg.

A typical PhD student at FKF will obtain the 840 working hours as follows:

  • 200 hours of teaching (with preparation factor 3.5 this gives 700 hours)
  • 140 hours of external presentations and supervision of students

Special for 4+4 PhD’s4+4 PhD Students must, according to an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC, perform tasks related to their research education equivalent to 840 hours throughout the entire 4+4 PhD program. The hours are distributed as 280 hours during the first 2 years of the PhD education and 560 hours during the paid PhD fellowship (the last 2 years). The 280 hours of paid work is an offer, and we ask you to notify the Personnel Office within 7 days if you do not accept this offer. The 560 hours during the paid fellowship are mandatory, but a reduction in working hours can be granted upon justified application, with a corresponding reduction in salary. The salary for work under the SU PhD fellowship is distributed equally over the 3rd and 4th semesters and is paid monthly in arrears. The hourly wage as of October 1, 2019, is DKK 217.95, plus holiday pay and pension contributions.

There will be a proportional reduction of working hours with “change of environment”.

In this way 300 hours of knowledge dissemination has also been obtained automatically.

Be aware: You can maximum obtain 50 hours of knowledge dissemination via internal presentations.

When you begin your PhD it is strongly advised that you get in contact with the Head of Education. It is the Head of Education who assigns you teaching and supervising duties during your studies. It is not your PhD supervisor. By talking to the Head of Education you can discuss and plan ahead your teaching duties. (Contacts: Physics: Michael Lomholt, Chemistry and Pharmacy: Steffen Bähring and Judith Kuntsche via Charlotte Damsgaard)

It is your own duty to register the tasks you perform for the department, and make sure that it is up-to-date. If your registrations are not up-to-date, you risk being assigned tasks beyond your required amount of working hours.

You can read more about the rules and regulations and the model for carrying out you required working hours at


System SmartReg

Log in and update your information

Go to Log-in using your SDU email address and the password that was sent to you from SmartReg. If you want, you can change your password under “Various” in the bar at the top of the page. This is also where you log out.

If you forget your password, please contact the administrator Tanja Krog Hedegaard, and ask for a new one.

Press the tap PhD student and you can see what tasks have been registered to you so far, who your contact person on the FKF PhD committee is and here you can also add certain information about yourself, such as telephone number and preferred language.

Start by adding your research and teaching interests, by pressing edit. This information is used to try to match your interests to the teaching and other tasks you will be assigned. In addition, you can indicate if you are interested in tasks regarding to the outreach activities, such as guiding tours for high school students etc. teaching and other tasks you will be assigned. In addition, you can indicate if you are interested in tasks regarding to the outreach activities, such as guiding tours for high school students etc.

How to register a task

When registering a task you go to the bar and press Tasks and fill in the title, a brief description of the task, type of a task, and some specific information pertaining to that type of task.


When registering a teaching assignment you fill out the course code as the title i.e. KE504. Under description you must state if it was tutorials or lab exercises as well as how many classes. Then add start and finish dates and last but not least, the number of confrontation hours (i.e. the number of hours you have spent with the students). The system will automatically add your preparation factor.


When registering supervision hours write how many students, their level (1. year projects, BSc, MSc) and how many confrontation hours you have spent. There is no preparation factor for supervising students. Please remember that to get working hours for supervising students (at any level) you must have a pre-agreement with the head of education.

Guide to calculation teaching hours and projects supervision for Ph.D.-students at FKF:

  • Courses: For courses you get 3.5 hours per hour of teaching (exercise and lab. course).
  • Project supervision: Hours for Master thesis, Bachelor projects, Individual study activity and 1. year projects are to be agreed with your supervisor as well as the Head of Education.
  • Other work tasks (e.g. outreach and committee work): Only according to individual agreement with head of department.

Environmental exchange

Under title you fill in the name of the University you visited. In the description section you can write more about where you were, department, group etc. Then you add departure and return dates. The system will calculate how many hours you get credited for your stay abroad.


Here you put the title of the presentation as the title. In the description you must write where the presentation was held and the occasion, i.e Blåbjerggårdskolen, Vejle, Danish Science Festival. In the field named start, you fill out the date of the presentation and then the duration of the presentation in minutes. Under number of times you fill in the number of times you have held that particular presentation (1st 2nd, 3rd etc.). Remember, you can only be given a maximum of 100 working hours for external presentations. There are no limits to how many knowledge dissemination hours you can be given for any presentation.

Other knowledge dissemination

This category is for other knowledge dissemination that does not fit in one of the other categories. It could be an SRP project. Here it is very important that you give a good description of the task, otherwise it will not be verified.

Other, no knowledge dissemination

Here you put tasks that count as required working hours, but not knowledge dissemination. This could be if you have been assigned the task of updating the website, or making culture media, by the department head.

Please make sure to register all teaching and other tasks continuously. Task will then be approved/rejected during the following months. If you changes to already registered task/hours make sure to update these after your last lesson.

In the overview you can see the status of your tasks. If there is a mistake in the task you have registered, you can click on it and correct it if it has not yet been approved. Once it has been approved it can only be corrected by the administrator Tanja Krog Hedegaard,

Other working hours

FKF member of Philos: 35 working hours per semester.

Member of the Faculty of Science PhD committee: 10 working hours per semester.




Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy – Jan. 2024

[1] Unless there is a special agreement

Last Updated 16.01.2025