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Research stay abroad

How to start:


How to start preparing for your research stay abroad

Ask your supervisor or co-supervisor for contacts and/or web-search.

Not only consider host, but entire department and research interests.

Junior versus internationally acclaimed host:

  • Allocated time with host (match expectations upfront)
  • Priviledges (e.g. office space)

Consider the timeline of your PhD projects.

Go for one semester.

Fall versus spring semester: Check available courses, eventually weather?

Be on time with your preparations


  • Contact embassy or consulate of your host country in Denmark
  • For UN, mostly J-1 visa initiated by host
Additional funding/grant applications
(see in funding)
  • Searching before versus after departure
  • Housing websites/Facebook groups
  • Main considerations: location and rent
Plane tickets through CWT

Ask international office at host university for help with administrative tasks.

Please find an application template for your research stay abroad here.

How to proceed during and after your research stay:

During and after the research stay

Keep international office up to date about contact details and departure date.

Get local phone number/bank account.

Keep track of your expenses (separate bank account and receipts).

Best practices/recommendations

  • At host university or other universities:
    •  Enroll in or audit courses
    • Seminars and workshops
    • Reading groups
    • Dissemination of own research
  • Visit other universities

Challenges and how to overcome them

  • Cultural work differences
    •  PhD students in US, for example, are more students than staff
    • Hierarchy
    • Closed/Open door policy
    • Lunch
  • As PhD student, you mostly have no office space
    • Try to go to library and not work from home
    • Find out where other PhD students are located and having lunch
  • Unexpected shocks
    • Host can risk not being available much
    • Language test
    • Reach out for help: host/international office/administrative personnel/PhD students/roommates
Best recommendations
  • Live with roommates
  • Try out new hobbies
  • Discover and travel
Possible challenges
  • Emotional well-being
  • Different time-zones
  • Unexpected shocks (e.g. passing of loved ones)

Saying goodbye (remember to connect on LinkedIn).

Practical matters
  • Make sure to get course certificates
  • Make copies of visa documents
  • Write report for grant if necessary
  • Make sure all expenses are documented/covered
You can read more about funding possibilities for your research stay here


If going to the US, find the advice from a fellow PhD below:

USA - Research Stay

  1. Return letter and VSR application, both of which the university sends to you
  2. DS-2019 application, which the university sends to you
  3. Patent agreement (university will send you more information on this)
  4. Insurance, incl. insurance card from SDU. Need to contact Europæiske ERV.
    University may ask you to send confirmation for sufficient coverage/to waive their program, in which case they will send information on this.
  1. DS-160
  2. 5x5 cm new photo
  3. Old passports (maybe, ended up not needing them)
  4. DS-2019, fill in form from university. When arrived, fill in and sign.
  5. Get VISA account
  6. Pay VISA fee
  7. Pay SEVIS fee
  8. Apply at embassy, see If interview is not needed, prepare and send the following to embassy:

    1. Passport
    2. DS-160 confirmation
    3. Photo
    4. Proof of earlier US visits, such as stamp in passport
    5. Self-addressed envelope with DKK 96 of stamps
    6. DS-2019
    7. Proof of ability to fund visit (such as paycheck, bank statement)
    8. SEVIS payment confirmation (VISA payment confirmation not needed)


SPOT-Application letter template

Application letter template for research stay abroad.

Application letter

Last Updated 24.02.2023