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SDU moves

Count steps with ”SDU Moves” – again!

Take part in the Count Steps campaign with your colleagues.

By Anne Grønhøj, , 10/13/2021

Are you ready to challenge your colleagues? Once again, all employees at SDU can take part in the Count Steps campaign for free. It runs from 8th to 21st of November.

It’s easy to join. Follow the steps:

1) Gather a team of at least three people and choose a Team Captain.

2) The Team Captain registers the team at www.tæ Use the SammenholdsID “SDU”. Registration deadline is 8th of November.

3) Take as many steps a day as you can.

4) Register your steps at www.tæ

You can find information about the “SDU Moves”-project right HERE . Here you can also find a guide to Walk‘n’Talk Meetings.

It was a huge success last campaign period back in February where 1022 SDU-employees counted steps, and we hope to boost the number of participants in the next campaign in November.

Every step counts – can we count you in?

Editing was completed: 13.10.2021