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The Staff’s Column

Do a student internship at SDU

It’ll only take two days, but we’d love you to leave even earlier (so we can throw a party)

By Mikkel Linnemann Johansson, 11/28/2023

Student internships are a great opportunity to attract potential students. Upper secondary school students from all over the country have the chance to visit the study programme they are most interested in. The students are committed, motivated and goal orientated. 

For that reason, it is great to see how much time and energy the lecturers and outreach and bridge-building staff put into creating a positive experience for our guests.

This is a golden opportunity for the University to recruit the most talented and attractive students – those who can and want to be here.

This is also the group of potential students that all other educational institutions are interested in, but we have a discounted offer that not even Fakta can compete with. 

Instead of spending three days qualifying their choice of study programme, students can spend just two days at SDU. This means there may not be many breathing spaces in the programme, but who cares! Young people don’t get stressed anyway – and peace and quiet are also overrated.

If you’re an Irma type who wants to waste 50% more time on your study choice, you can always do a three-day internship somewhere else.

At SDU, you can get it over and done with in two days! If that doesn’t signal quality, what does?

However, our honoured guests should be prepared for the fact that lunch on Thursdays may have to be eaten while sitting on the floor. Because on Friday we’re throwing a party to celebrate ourselves – and how fantastic we are. There are a great many tables and chairs that need to be moved before the party, so seating is limited on Thursday.

The campus will be in pandemonium as we prepare for the festivities, so don’t get in the way, dear guest! We also like to use some of the classrooms as cloakrooms. So we might knock on the door and burst in because we just need to know if the student internship is nearly over so that we can get on with the important things.

Because here at SDU, it’s time to party! And that means we need somewhere to hang our coats.

However, yours truly does not attend the annual celebrations. I haven’t done that since I was a student myself. Because while for 51 weeks of the year I stand tall and proudly announce that I work at SDU, I always end up getting grumpy by the time we get to the middle of week 43 and I see how we treat the young guests we ourselves have invited.

For me, it makes the festive mood hard to find.

If only we at SDU were to realise that you could actually have a party during one of the other 51 weeks, then I think we could have an ambition to create the country’s most attractive student internship. And perhaps it could also help us attract the most attractive students. Who knows?

Then we wouldn’t be more preoccupied with finding the right party outfit while the other universities are still in their ordinary clothes and working hard on probably the most important recruitment activity of the year.

Mikkel Linnemann Johansson

Team leader for communication and press at the Faculty of Science.

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Editing was completed: 28.11.2023