Humanities (HUM)
Financial Service for Researchers
We offer our researches comprehensive financial services in collaboration with local research support at faculties and FSØ. Get help for budget approval, post-award services, and a range of forms and templates to support your research.
Budget Approval Process for Humanities (HUM)
When you are ready to apply for funding the first step is to get your project approved by the university.
NB! The budget must be approved by the head of your department (and FSØ, if above 8 mil. kroner) before it can be submitted for funding.

1. Read carefully the call’s budget criteria
Agree with the head of your department on how the 10% project fee will be covered in case the foundation does not support overhead.

2. Familiarize yourself with the different budget categories
Check the SharePoint portal for an overview of typical budget categories and their indicative costs as well as for examples of budgets for selected funding schemes.
Please visit the SharePoint portal for more information.

3. Contact your local finance team
Develop your budget with the assistance of your local finance team. Please visit the SharePoint portal to find more information.

4. Have your budget approved
Before submitting your proposal, you need to have your budget approved by the head of your department or, if SDU's share of the budget exceeds 8 million kr., first by the head of your department and then by FSØ. The finance team in your department will apply for approval on your behalf. Approval usually takes a few working days.
Check the SharePoint portal for the departmental budget deadlines.
FAQ for Budget Support Humanities
Please contact your local finance team to receive assistance with your budget.
To find your local finance team, check the SharePoint portal.