A Predatory Journal has been defined as an Open Access journal which claims to be a high-quality academic journal, but which does not have procedures for proper quality control and peer review.
More and more of these journals appear, and they are not always easily recognized: they may have names that resemble those of actual high-quality journals; the status of an individual journal may change; or again, things are not always black or white: for instance, what do we really mean by a “proper peer review process”?
At the Library, we are ready to give advice to researchers who are in doubt, but a few rules of thumb can also help you check for yourself. See the links to the right and ask your colleagues or supervisor.
Use your common sense: you should always be very sceptical of journals which contact you and ask you to publish with them.
Contact the library at open-access@bib.sdu.dk
Relevant references:
Frandsen TFF. How can a questionable journal be identified: Frameworks and checklists. Learned Publishing (2019) 32: 221-226.
Frandsen, TFF & Eriksen MB. Tvivlsomme tidsskrifter. Ugeskrift for Læger (2019) 181:V02190117.
Moher D. et al. Stop this waste of people, animals and money. Nature (2017) 549: 23-25.