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Methodology literature

The Sage Research Methods database contains texts on research methods, e-books, scientific articles, definitions and instructional videos on research methods.

The Sage Research Methods database contains texts on research methods, e-books, scientific articles, definitions and instructional videos on research methods. 

The database focuses on methodology and methods rather than disciplines and can therefore be used broadly, especially within the social sciences. You will find, among other things, the entire "Little Green Book" and "Little Blue Book" series, which brings together a selection of articles within a special methodological theme, as well as numerous videos explaining different topics.

"The database has a lot of functions and possibilities, but I would particularly like to highlight the Method Map, which visualises how different methods are related. This gives the students a good overview and a place to start if they doubt their methodological approach," Britta Toftgaard Holton, Librarian, Department of Teaching and Dissemination says.

Britta regularly gives short introductions to Sage Research Methods in Danish and English. Contact Britta for more information or to request an introduction.

  • Sage has published an online guide with help on how to search, and information about the content in Sage Research Methods.
  • Please note that Sage Research Methods only contains material published by Sage Publishing.


Editing was completed: 13.12.2024