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Editor's guide to the information screens

Guidelines for the info screens at SDU

SDU has an info screen system that is found in many locations on all campuses and is constantly being further developed. The screens are used for both information of a general nature for everyone but - depending on the physical location - can also be used for specific and targeted communication to defined target groups. Primary target group is students, secondary employees.

The system is organized into a series of screens (called 'galleries' in the Viewnet editor) spread across all campuses. The individual screens have one or more channels associated with which content is transmitted. That is as an editor, you produce (or have others produce) content and upload this to the channels you are an editor for. The content is shown on the physical screens associated with the channels in question.

The communications department has access to manage all screens and channels, but there is also the possibility of decentralized access and editing, where the physical location allows it. It is the local editor's responsibility to ensure a flow of relevant news/advertisements on the screens. Please note, however, that Communications may also use these screens where deemed relevant, e.g. via the channel 'SDU Campusbyerne'. The weighting of local and general advertisements typically takes place in an ongoing dialogue between the local editor and Communications (Mimo).

To a large extent, the screens must be a user-driven platform, where the editors' main task is to ensure the quality of the content. We therefore encourage you as an editor to encourage the students and other advertisers to create their own advertisements based on the guidelines in this document. However, only editors can upload/publish advertisements/content.

You log in with your username and password on the Viewnet editor.

As from January 2021, an app must be used which is installed on the computer.

The app can be downloaded from viewnet's googledrive.

In general: Mikkel Larris: and Mimo Antabi: (

The library: Jeppe Lomholt Akselbo, ,
Campus Esbjerg: Sara Christine Nielsen,
Campus Kolding:  Anne Lieberg, 
Campus Slagelse: Kirsten Lambert,  
Campus Sønderborg: Lene Hviid Petersen, )
Faculty of Health Sciences,  Odense: Mathilde Hollmann,,


How do I produce content?

Below you will find a number of good advice and experiences that should make it all a little easier and more manageable for you.

Either a finished piece of graphics can be inserted or text etc. can be written into the editor.

The Viewnet editor has limited capabilities, so be brief. Typically, it could look like this:

Heading: Get access to SDU's info screens
Subheading: Spread your message on all SDU's campuses
Body text:
• Concert for all students?
• Fitness race for the benefit of Africa?
• New rules for SU per April 1st?
Link/url: Feel free to provide a link to more information: But ONLY use short URL addresses or e.g. Read more at That's what there is room for.
Remember that people typically do not stand and look at the screens for a long time, but simply pass by while looking out of the corner of their eye. So: Keep it simple!

If you have a good photo that can illustrate your message, use it! Remember, however, that there must be a good amount of data in it, you must have copyright for it, and it must ideally be up to a size of, for example, 3000 x 2000 pixels. If you don't have a photo - we can help you find one.

Viewnet has 12 pre-designed templates. The T in the template shows the location of the text, the M shows the location of the photo (media). Try yourself out! Tip: Feel free to create a 'canvas' in Photoshop with the dimensions 1920 x 842, and place your photo here so that it matches the Viewnet template's image placement. Save as jpg, insert in Viewnet and write the text here.

If you are a bit creative, you can design your own posts with text, photos and graphics fully integrated and upload these from your computer to the Viewnet editor. It gives you far more layout options.

  • The finished file must have the dimensions 1920 x 842 pixels. (for the Campus college: 1080x1760 pixels).
  • jpg and png format can be used.
  • Template 10 in the Viewnet editor is used here.
  • If in doubt about resolution, it should always be 72 dpi.

The amount of information for this finished file must adhere to the same guidelines as above - keep it simple.

It is also possible to play movies on the info screens. The film must be a maximum of 15-20 sec., and since there is no sound on the screens, it must be able to live without it.

The film is uploaded as MPEG4 (h264 compressed so that it takes up as little space as possible). Template 12 is used here. Youtube is no longer an optimal solution.

If you want to advertise on the outdoor big screen in Odense, special conditions apply here due to the screen's relatively poor resolution. It requires finished jpg files in the format 1920 x 900 px. You can contact or if you have information that could be relevant to get on the big screen.

White background is a no go on the outdoor screen (due to power consumption and 'light pollution').

Be careful not to overload your screen with info. Otherwise, you risk that passers-by will have to stand for a very long time to read the relevant information. Depending on the type of information, as a rule of thumb you should count on a total of 10-12 slides per screen. If you have several channels connected to your screen, this must of course be taken into account.

As a rule of thumb, each advertisement should not be displayed for longer than 15-20 seconds.

Be aware of the end date for displaying your advertisement . Be sure to weed out regularly so that only relevant information is displayed on the screens.

It is free to advertise on the screens, and since free advertising is desired, we experience a large number of inquiries about being allowed to advertise. Therefore, we have drawn up the following guidelines:

  • The advertisement must be addressed to students and/or employees at SDU
  • As a starting point, private, commercial initiatives may not be advertised, with the exception of the university's canteen or the like.
  • The advertiser must have a significant connection to SDU either in the form of organizational anchoring or financial support.
  • Finally, we recommend that you as an editor use your common sense: That is no hateful messages, political propaganda, advertisements with explicit sexual content, calls for excessive drinking, etc.

Other screens at SDU

Smartsign is used for the pylon.

Content must be 256 x 384 in the format 1920x 1080 pixels, placed i the left corner.

Skabelon til pylon

There are two types of information that can be considered for publication on the pylons (top field):

  1. Larger events of a broad nature, e.g. Annual University Celebration, HCA Lectures, Career Days and the like. For these events, Kommunikation designs content. In this way, visual coherence with the event is ensured. Technical Service and Communication have an ongoing dialogue about these arrangements.
  2. 'This happens today': Ongoing, smaller events, e.g. conferences, PhD defense etc. These are announced in plain text form, and are administered by SDU Kommunikation.

Display interval: 15 sec.

Viewnet is used for the pylons.

  1. The pylon on Fioniavej consists of 2 screen fields: A top field (288 x 288 pixels) and a bottom field (288 x 432 pixels), a total of 288 x 720 px. Changing information is displayed in the top field and an SDU map/directions to parking is shown in the bottom field.
  2. The pylon on Moseskovvej consists of 2 screen fields: A top field (176 x 192 pixels) and a bottom field (176 x 240 pixels), a total of 176 x 432 px. Changing information is displayed in the top field and an SDU map/directions to parking is shown in the bottom field.

The graphics are inserted as a single piece of graphics. Send info to / who will enter the information into the system.

SDU has a large outdoor LED at Slagelse railway station.

  • The format is 384 x 288 pixels. The same restrictions as Sønderborg apply here.
  • For films, a filter must be applied due to the amount of light and the risk of dazzling DSB, i.e. a completely white background with text on it must not be used.
  • In autumn 2020, the system was changed to Immediad (
  • Contact Kirsten Lambert, Campus Coordinator in Slagelse, to have content put on the screen.

Note! A different user interface than Viewnet is used for this screen (immediately).

SDU has a share in a huge outdoor LED in Alsion. Each actor (including SDU) has a channel with space for a maximum of 3 slides. The format: 420 x 660 pixels.
There are special circumstances/restrictions:

  1. The activity must be an SDU activity, i.e. SDU must either be the main or co-organiser or otherwise have a significant stake in the event (Student organizations anchored in SDU fall within this category)
  2. The target group for the activity must be broad (i.e. events targeted at a specific study/group of students are not marketed on the LED) Examples of activities could be: Open house, Festival of Research, popular science guest lecturers, semester start party, etc.

Inquiries regarding specifications of requirements, help with layout etc.: Mikkel Larris, /

For the above screens, it applies that they all show a seasonal welcome slide that alternates between events, or stand alone if there are no current events.

[This is a machine translation]

Last Updated 18.10.2023