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Service Pages

Content page - accordion, image and video

The image above - the top image of the content page - is  870 x 375 pixels in size.

The body text field

This is the body text field - also called "body". Here the user is introduced to the primary content of the page.

In the body text field, text usually appears, which can be divided into short sections with subheadings.

Read a guide to search engine optimization of your text

If you have a lot of text, you can put it in an accordion.


This is an "accordion". It is used to make text-heavy pages more manageable for the user, by dividing the page's text into segments that the user must actively choose to read if it is relevant to them.

In this way, pages with a lot of information and text can be easier to decode and scan for the user, and the information that is most relevant can quickly be accessed.

This is thus an example of what in Sitecore is called "AccordionSegment".
The segments contain body text fields in which text can be written, images can be inserted, videos can be embedded, etc.

They thus function like the regular "body" fields. The width of the accordion is determined by the type of page it is inserted on. That is that it becomes wide on e.g. landing pages and narrow on e.g. content pages.

Here is a segment with a medium - a video.

Read a guide on how to create an accordion

Images on content pages

Media elements from the media library can be inserted in the body text field. Eg photos or video. Below is a "content image" that is 580 x 300 pixels in size.


For example, video can also be inserted on a content page. This is done by inserting the video embed code in the text editor's html view.

Read a guide on how to embed video on a content page

Below is an example of a video embedded on the content page. The width of the video is determined here by the width of the page type. Ie. the content page width, which is 580 pixels wide.

Read more:

See a guide to spots, link lists and user journeys on content pages

Last Updated 18.10.2023