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Service Pages

Content page - spots, link lists and user journey

The image above - the top image of the content page - is 870 x 375 pixels in size.


In the right column there are two spots. Spots can be used as call-to-actions, ie. buttons that, for example, should forward the user to more and relevant content.

Spots can thus function as the page's "buy buttons", where you get the user to act on the page's primary purpose, but spots can also be used to send the user on to pages with topics related to that page.

The size of spots depends on how much text should appear in the spot. Thus, the size of the background image will also vary. If you make sure the image measures 360 x 220 px. then one is well covered in and the image will automatically scale depending on the size of the spot.

Link lists

Link lists on the content page are also placed on the right column of the page. The lists also act as a kind of call-to-actions that can redirect the user to more and relevant content.

Link lists are good for showing the most important navigation options that one would like to present to the user.

Cross-linking and user journeys

Spots and Linklists can be included as tools for setting up a network of links across similar pages that point to each other. This is called cross-linking, and this can help ensure that the user can always navigate to more content on one's page.

Thus, one must always consider what the intention and purpose is with one's pages, what it is the user should read and do on one's pages and where one will direct the user on to after experiencing one's pages.

If you make this clear and obvious to the user, eg via call-to-actions and cross-links, then it can help ensure a good user journey for the website's visitors.

Read more:

See a guide to the body text, images and video on content pages here 

Spot with short text

The image behind measures 270 x 160 px.

Read more about spots

Spot with long text

Here is a longer text. The length of the text determines how big the spot will be - and thus how big the background image should be. This spot measures 270 x 250.

Read more about spots

Last Updated 18.10.2023