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Service Pages

Universe page (New Hero)

This page type is characterized by having the large top image, HeroBanner, and a narrow content field including body field, and with the option of spots and lists in a right-hand column. One could say that the universe side is a kind of fusion of the narrow content page and the landing page with the big hero picture.

You can use the universe page (New Hero) if you have a text-heavy page (the narrower body field is easier to read from than the wide one on the landing page), and at the same time want a large image at the top of the page. Thus, it will typically be used as a level 2 or 3 side.

The body text field and the right column

The body text field and the right column have the same properties, "width x height" dimensions and options as on the content page, with eg accordion, images, video as well as spots, link lists and call-to-actions.

Images in the body field

In the body text field, body, it is possible to insert "content images" just like on the content page type. They measure 580 x 300 px. just like on the content page.


Before and after the body field as well as in the right-hand column, it is possible to insert buttons, lists and spots - all components that must activate the user and send him on to more and relevant content, while ensuring a good user journey. The components are inserted, for example, in the field "body-top" or "body-bottom".

Below is a button inserted in the "body-bottom".

See instructions for inserting this type of button


This is an example of a component that can be inserted in the right column of the page. The spot is a call-to-action, or a shortcut that can redirect the user to other relevant pages.

Read a guide to spots

Spot with background image

This is a spot where a background image is inserted. The image measures 270 px in width. The height of the image depends on how much text is in the spot.


Last Updated 20.12.2023