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Our guide to writing a CV

A convincing CV is a vital part of any funding application. Find our guide to writing a CV below.

Targeting Your CV

Please be aware that you should not use a single, standard-CV for every call you apply forInstead, you need to target the specific call and shape your CV according to the evaluation criteria provided by the funding body.


How to Use Your CV

.that you are the right person to execute such a projectWhereas your research application is intended to convince the review board of the scientific novelty, feasibility and general importance of your research project, your CV should convince the board

. Ideally, you should tell a story of how your prior career choices and research interests have all made you ideally suited for undertaking the project you propose.storytelling becomes importantTo convince the review board that you are that person,


Structure of the CV

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for creating a convincing CV. You should always adapt your CV to the call you are applying for!

That being said, the sections listed below should generally be included in your CV and can often be arranged in the following order:


Additional recommendations:

Make sure that all your profiles on social media are up to date (LinkedIn, ResearchGate, ORCID, CV on, etc.)

Do not include marital status, number of kids, home address (unless, of course, explicitly requested by the funding body to do so!)

If there are any gaps in your CV, make sure to explain them!



Please be aware of the agreement on ‘Reforming Research Assessment’, signed by SDU together with a vast number of other international and national research institutions.

The implications of the agreement are wide-ranging and could potentially usher in a paradigm shift in the way that research is evaluated

Among the more significant changes called for by the agreement is a shift from hardcore metrics towards a more holistic system where impact and storytelling become increasingly important.

As the agreement is new, however, we have yet to wait for its implementation to take full effect.

Read more here.

Before you apply

Before you apply for funding there are a number of things to consider. Find them here

Before you apply

Last Updated 05.04.2024