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Eksempler på bachelorprojekter: Fysik

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Vejleder Projektområde
Adam C. Simonsen  Fysikken bag membran-reparation
Adam C. Simonsen  Food Physics: Fødevarer som bløde materialer
Astrid Eichhorn Causal sets as discrete spacetime and their spectral dimension 
Astrid Eihhorn The expansion history of the universe with quantum gravity 
Beate Klösgen Surface scattering: On the interfacial effect of Ca++-ions at mitochondria model membranes
Beate Klösgen X-ray scattering: On the interfacial adsorption of human antibacterial peptides
Beate Klösgen Chiral interaction in lipid membrane
Beate Klösgen Solubility of poorly soluble drugs
Carsten Svaneborg Simulationer af soft-condensed matter
Francesca Serra Liquid crystal blue phases 
Francesca Serra
Fingerprint detection with liquid crystals 
Francesca Serra
Liquid crystal light-guides
Francesca Serra
Cells as living liquid crystals
Himanshu Khandelia
Accurate Models of Nanoplastics and Their Removal from Water
Himanshu Khandelia
Mechanisms of Membrane Repair
Jacob Kongsted Beregningsbiofysik og kvantekemi
John H. Ipsen The Physical Basis for the 'Raft'-hypothesis in Cell Biology
John H. Ipsen
Physics of Biomolecular Condensates in the cell
Mads Toudal Frandsen Dark Matter or Modified Gravity?
Mads Toudal Frandsen Direct Detection of Dark Matter
Mads Toudal Frandsen The Bullet Cluster and Dynamics of Dark Matter in the Universe
Mads Toudal Frandsen  New fundamental interactions from cold atom experiments 
 Manuel Meyer Particle and astroparticle physics, single photon detection
Michael Andersen Lomholt  Random walks and search processes
Sofie Marie Koksbang Cosmic backreaction
Thomas Ryttov Feynman's path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
Thomas Ryttov
Anomalies in quantum mechanics
Thomas Ryttov Solutions in Classical Field Theory 
Wei-Chih Huang Applications of neural networks on dark matter physics 

Institut for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: 6550 3520

Sidst opdateret: 11.07.2024