There is a focus on resilience both at the overall management level and in all units. It is therefore important that drills are organised to test and train the top management level in crisis management at both strategic and operational levels.
There is also a strong focus on organising evacuation drills. The goal of these drills is to ensure that employees and students have a general knowledge of the principles and that everyone feels safe being in SDU’s buildings. Thus, there is a primary focus on information and education.
It is also important to recognise that it is difficult to practice the concepts in areas with no permanent staff. As mentioned earlier, it makes perfect sense to focus on information and education in these areas.
SDU’s definition of an evacuation drill
Testing of already implemented measures to ensure that students, staff and guests can safely exit the buildings in the event of fire, bomb threats or other incidents where the buildings or parts thereof must be evacuated quickly and in a controlled manner.
It is more important that students and staff are familiar with concepts and procedures, and can get out of the buildings on their own, than a given time factor.
All sections must plan and organise at least one drill per year. If you are unsure which type of alert is available in a specific building, please contact Technical Services on tel. +45 6550 8888.
Drill types