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Asynkron online undervisning - Aktiviteter

Asynkrone læringsaktiviteter  er individuelle eller kollaborative læringsaktiviteter, som du kan planlægge for dine studerende, således at de kan deltage uafhængigt af tid og sted.  Dette er derfor den mest fleksible måde at gennemføre online undervisning på for både dig og dine studerende.

Forslag til undervisningsaktiviteter

Det anbefales, at du gør dine forelæsningsvideoer tilgængelige i itslearning via et diskussionsforum eller Course Media Gallery for at give dine studerende mulighed for at stille spørgsmål. Du kan kan ligeledes lægge op til diskussion og aktiv læring ved at stille dem spørgsmål.

Der er mange muligheder for at optage en video til (forelæsninger, præsentationer, introduktioner osv.) med den software og hardware du allerede har til rådighed. Nedenfor kan du se nogle af mulighederne.

Tekniske vejledninger til denne aktivitet:

Encourage active engagement

By providing  your introduction as a short video you can encourage the students to take active engagement in the planned activities for the lesson. It is also a easy way for the students to get an overview of the lessons activities - and to get started. 

Try to talk to the students by talking to the camera and use full-size video, not just a talking head "behind" a PowerPoint slide. 

Technical instructions for this activity:


If you do case-based teaching in your courses, you can follow the plan below to conduct your case-based teaching online instead: 

  1. Break your plan for the case-based lesson down into separate activities and prepare instructions for students: 

    Write clear and precise instructions for your students so they know what to do, where to do it online and when to do it. We recommend that you include the following in the instructions to your students. 
    • Your introduction to the case and the planned activities. 
      You can provide your introduction as text, video or audio. 
    • One or more resources/texts and questions, students should study. 
    • An activity where students work with the case online, individually, in pairs or groups. 
      • Students work with the case and provide answers to the questions posed. 
      • Students upload their answers to a discussion board, e.g. 
      • They provide feedback to two fellow students or groups. 
      • They review the feedback received and comment on the helpfulness of the feedback/lessons learnt. 
    • A discussion board where students can ask questions in relation to the case work. 
    • Collective feedback on students’ work. 
      Skim students’ contributions and write an announcement where you list the good points and points that could be improved/are missing. You can also record your collective feedback on video and embed this in an announcement. 

      Use Plans in your course in itslearning to set up the case-based lesson you have planned. Below we refer to your case-based lesson as a learning path.

  2. Create an announcement and inform students of the availability of the case-based lesson and its activities. Monitor students’ progress in Blackboard, send reminders, answer questions. 

    We suggest setting up a separate discussion board forum  - a Q&A forum - for questions from students, e.g. in the first Topic in your course in itslearning.

  3. When you reach the deadline, you have set for completing the activities,  you can create an announcement in which you thank students for their engagement and wrap up the lesson. 

Follow the model below in case you need to facilitate student presentations online (asynchronously)

Overview: Teacher introduces the activity. Students present a topic individually or in groups via a discussion board in itslearning – they can upload a PowerPoint presentation or record their presentations and upload them as videos to the discussion board. If you want your students to record their presentation on video, you can make this guide for Recording video using Kaltura Capture in itslearning (LINK indsættes) available to them. Each student or group provides feedback to two fellow students or groups. Students review and reflect on feedback received. The teacher ends the activity. 

  1. Break your plan for the student presentations down into separate activities and provide instructions for students: 

    Write clear and precise instructions for your students so they know what to do, where to do it online and when to do it.
    • Your introduction to the activity, its purpose and the different steps. 
      You can provide your introduction as text, video or audio. See this guide for recording video (LINK indsættes). 
    • Select texts/topics. Divide students into groups if needed. Allocate texts/topics to groups
    • Create an overview of who will be giving feedback to whom. 
    • Prepare a rubric (LINK indsættes) that students can use to provide each other with feedback. 

      Set up a discussion board (LINK indsættes) for the student presentations in your  course in itslearning. If you have recorded video, follow this guide to make the video available to students in your course in itslearning (LINK indsættes).

  2. Create an announcement and inform students of the activity and explain how they get started. 

  3. Monitor students’ progress in itslearning, send reminders, answer questions. 
    We suggest setting up a separate discussion board forum  - a Q&A forum - for questions from students, e.g. in the first Topic in your course in itslearning

  4. When you reach the deadline, you have set for completing the activity, you can create an announcement in which you thank students for their engagement and wrap up the activity. You can provide collective feedback on students’ work. Skim their presentations and feedback and write an announcement or a post in the discussion board, where you list the good points and points that could be improved/are missing. You can also record your collective feedback on video and embed this in an announcement or in the discussion board.

Sidst opdateret: 28.02.2022