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Faculty of Science

Budget approval

The SDU budget sheet fails to run properly on some computer. How to fix it, depends on your operating system.


If you cannot operate the SDU budget sheet on your computer, it is likely due to the inbuild macros in the excel file. The use of the SDU budget sheet relies heavily on macros and for safety reasons, SDU computers do by default not allow macros. You can give a permit to run macros for specific files, though. How to do that relies on your operating systems. Hopefully, the suggestions below will help you. In case not, please contact IT service ( with us in cc ( and let them know about your issues with the budget sheet.

How to get the SDU budget sheet to work on ...

For Windows computers, you need to download and operate the budget sheet in a "Trusted folder". You can find a guide here (English or Danish) on how to set up such a folder on OneDrive.

When opening the Excel file with the budget sheet on Mac computers, you should be asked if you would like to activate macros. By allowing the macros at this step, the Excel sheet should work properly.

On Linux computers, you can open and operate the SDU budget sheet in Citrix, either via the Citrix-app or online (

Again, if the suggestions above are of no use, please reach out to IT service. They want to know of cases for them to go into it.

Last Updated 22.08.2023