New grant sparks new ideas
In December 2024, 10 SDU researchers received a well-deserved boost for their projects through SDU’s newest funding initiative – the Discovery Grant.
Attract new talent to SDU
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions offer many opportunities. Research leaders can attract new talent to their research group through MSCA's postdoctoral fellowships.
Being an MSCA fellow at SDU
Why choose the University of Southern Denmark for an MSCA fellowship? For Erna Wieduwilt, it was a unique opportunity to advance her research in a supportive and welcoming environment. Dive into her inspiring journey towards becoming an MSCA fellow at SDU in this Q&A.
Researcher investigates the business potential of fictional worlds
Can devising scripts become a business? Postdoc Nathali Herold Solon Pilegaard will find out. She has researched how script developers create the worlds viewers encounter in the Danish TV series Valdes jul and Efterforskningen. Now she is embarking on a new project.
Sensors will help detect heart failure in patients
New sensors in waiting room chairs and hospital beds will detect heart problems in patients. A heart attack can be detected several hours before the patient realises that something is wrong. The sensors will be tested at OUH in the Fall.
Solve the major challenges of society
For researchers pursuing global challenges grants aspiring to create impactful solutions
SDU researcher starts a drone company
Postdoc Kristian Husum Laursen is taking off – thanks to the entrepreneur programme Spin-outs Denmark – from the University of Southern Denmark with the drone company CODRONE
Light can help oncologists reduce re-surgery rates
Today, one in ten cancer surgeries is repeated because surgeons failed to remove all the cancer tissue the first time around. A new instrument can give surgeons a more accurate picture during surgery to make sure there is no more cancerous tissue left.
New company paves the way for advanced treatment of brain cancer
Three researchers have developed a new treatment for glioblastoma, the most deadly and common form of brain cancer. Now they are starting a company to achieve an important goal: to revolutionise the treatment of the disease and make it available to patients.
ERC: Unfold your most innovative research idea
New theme with inspiration and knowledge for researchers considering or already applying for ERC funding.
"A major milestone and achievement"
What can an ERC grant contribute to in a researcher's career? Professor Annette Baudisch received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022 for her project "Born once – Die once". In this Q&A she reflects on the value of going into an ERC process.
Flying screwdriver to solve issues for energy companies
A new utility drone is capable of maintaining power pylons and power lines for energy companies. With the new drone, postdoc Nicolaj Haarhøj Malle has taken the first steps towards setting up a business together with two other researchers
Help for you who are new to EU funding
Get a quick overview and new knowledge in your search for funding.
How to get EU funding? Q&A with Henrik Holbech
Why spend time applying for EU funding? We put this question to Henrik Holbech, a researcher in endocrine disruptors at the Department of Biology. He draws on five years of experience with EU applications – both as a partner in other projects and as a coordinator. Read and draw inspiration from the Q&A.
Writing retreat for researchers: Q&A with Julie Emontspool
Researcher Julie Emontspool went on two writing retreats when she was preparing a major EU application. She speaks highly of the opportunity, which is an initiative that has been launched under the university's funding strategy.
New postdoc will help manufacturing companies step into the future
There is huge potential in designing production machines in smarter ways, says a new postdoc working with digital development and testing of machines constructed in modules. His idea will make the production of companies flexible and less susceptible to breakdowns.
Researchers' grant applications are strengthened through collegial sparring
The funding landscape is changing drastically in these years. Researchers increasingly need to raise funding for their projects. Through collegial sparring, they help each other to become even better at it.
SDU’s Research Support Hub: An easier gateway to overview, funding, and support
A new shared tool at sdunet.dk will make it easier to explore funding opportunities, find relevant colleagues and research support across SDU, and make application processes simpler and more transparent for the researchers, research group leaders, and research support units.